Hannah's Accutane Log

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Your face really looks great - like you never had acne to begin with.

I'm curious what skin care program you are going to start, once the accutane is finished?

I have been on two rounds of Accutane - I have been using Retin A for years, which helps control black and white heads that occaisionally come back.

Yeah I'm not sure yet, I will let you guys know what my derm says on monday... i don't have to go back but he said call when I get finished for a follow-up plan... so ill post what he says!!

carolyn, how clear has your skin stayed?? like does it come back really bad and go away...or...???

The first time I did Accutane, my skin cleared up amazingly well.

I would say it took a year before some of the oiliness returned and I would get breakouts along my jawline.

It was somewhat tolerable at first, then I decided to see the Derm again - maybe two years later.

I went on another round and all the break outs stopped and the oiliness went away.

That was 10 years ago.

Now, in the summer my face and scalp get a bit oily but quite tolerable.

And I get the occasional breakout - I use Neo Medrol - topical prescription medication.

These breakouts probably tie in with my cycle.

Otherwise, I use Retin A everyday - really helps to keep black heads and white heads at bay.

Your face looks fabulous, by the way.

Thanks Carolyn! =] Last pill last nightttttt!!!!! WOOOO HOOOO!!! =]=]

I'll post pictures in a month... and let you know what the derm says tommorow....

quick question for any accutane users...

I just started accutane, its been only 3 days.. but my derm gave me 20mg a day.. after surfing the web and reading logs/journals.. 20mg a day seems like nothing... cmpared to folks starting with 40mg, 60mg , etc.. and smetimes taking 2 a day.

I hope my doc knows what he's doing...I mean, I'm sure he does but I hope it isn't too low of a dose to start with..

When I first went on Accutane, the derm decided how much I should take by calculations of height, weight, probably gender, and probably duration of treatment.

Your derm might also be starting you off on a smaller amount and then will increase it after he/she sees how you are tolerating the Accutane - and how your skin is responding.

In my opinion, if a lower dosage is going to be really beneficial for you, then why go to a stronger strength and have more side affects to deal with?

I always advise talking with the pharmacist that fills your Accutane prescriptions - quite often they can answer medical questions and it doesn't cost anything to speak with them.

Good luck on the Accutane

unbelievable. I got off the medicine on sunday. it was all good. wednesday i woke up and everything was fine. i took a two hour nap and had a HUGE spot on my cheek when i woke up that is just now starting to fade. sweet. love that.

OKay its better now. The dryness on my face is definitly going away.

I went to the derm and he gave me some medicine for my toes, haha, and gave me a perscription for tazorac for my face but i had tried that stuff before and it never did anything before so idk why it would help now... but its just a preventative...so idk. Someone gave me a recommendation for "Persa Gel"??? has anyone tried or heard of that?? Lately i have been washing my face with cerave cleanser and using zapzyt (an over the counter salacylic acid treatment) on the two spots i had, but today my face is good. yay. I haven't even had to use much moisturizer. which is big for me.

does anyone have any good gentle facial scrub reccomendations? something that would NOT break me out..haha.

Hah so I think I might have jinxed myself from my earlier comment from may.

My acne has returned full swing, and my dermie is put me back on Accutane :-(

Baking soda and water is as gentle as it gets for a scrub.

Persa gel is by clean and clear I think. It's 2.5% salicylic acid.

hm. thanks i have heard about the baking soda deal...is that what you do? does it work pretty good?? just for like getting flakes off....

I'm a big fan of using baking soda to exfoliate. I do it every other week.

Mix 1 tsp of baking soda with 1 tblspoon of cleanser and create a paste.

Rub gently into face for a minute, then rince well.

I have had to do a quick cleanse if I feel that some of the baking soda wasn't rince off.

This article comes from the Dermatology Blog:

Facial Scrubs: Too Much of A Good Thing | The Derm Blog

Okay yay! Thanks so much for your help.

I have been off accutane for about a week and a half...so far so good... =]

Your skin is going to look beautiful for a long time!

Have any of the unwanted side affects faded away?

I think mine went away after a week or two. I had poor night vision and couldn't wear my contacts while on Accutane.

Some of the reddness is fading.. the derm said that it will fade for the whole month... currently my skin is pretty much perfectly clear... .no actual spots at all. My skin is sort of discolored naturally..soo... but someone complimented me on my skin the other day... a first! =]

the achyness and everything seems to be going away too!! i played volleyball for 7 hours the other day and i was fine! which is big for me.

i just got off accutane last month, i couldnt live without eucerin face lotion, its the only thing that didnt irritate my skin and made it oh so soft, i also used their face wash kinda hard to find though but i love it as well, the accutane made my skin really dry and red and the eucerin face wash calmed it down alot, but besides the dry skin i think having dry lips was the worst, i always had aquaphor on me, but i found out that carmax chapstick worked really well, and alot longer than aquaphor, though it tasted kinda funny, well worth it though, ive had really amazing results with accutane, a few headaches along the way but the end results are so worth it, GOOD LUCK!

Your skin is looking great. My younger brother and sister had taken accutane and they had great results! There main problems in side affects were also chapped lip's and dried skin.

Wow, I quickly browsed through this page to see your progress and the end result is beautiful. You skin looks great! I'm so glad the Accutane worked for you, and now you've got gorgeous, clear skin!


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