How I quit foundation...Cold Turkey. forums

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Congratulations! :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I don't wear foundation on a daily basis, but I do wear lots of eye makeup. I've been trying to wean myself off the heavy made up look. And I get comments that I look younger and fresher too. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I'll never give up my eyeliner though, haha..

BeneBaby I havent worn foundation my whole life!! and thats the truth I have wonderful skin not to brag

Wow, you are skin is so blotchy that I like to have a good coverage ..just my own vainity I suppose..LOL

Ugh, my skins getting disgusting but not to the point that Ill want to wear foundation; even though I am now (but thats because I kind of have to. I havent gotten the chance to buy a tinted moisturizer for oily skin since my current one makes me oily now.Ugh!) Thats cool though; going cold-turkey and all. What Im trying to quit though are my concealers. I dont know if its just me and my handling nowadays but they look too heavy and stuff. So Im using foundation as an alternative lighter concealer. It looks better and handles better :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> I dont like the feeling of foundation on the rest of my face but in the meantime...

Last summer, I quit liquid foundation. I'm sooo glad I did, my skin looks 10 times better! I use mineral foundation now, it looks so natural and keeps my skin nice. Best part is, I don't get big angry red zits anymore. I still have a tube of Maybelline liquid foundation sitting in my drawer, but I know I will never use it again... so I think it's going to go bye-bye soon. LOL.

ITA^ i think thats why i never jump on mmu bandwagon i like dewy looking skin not dry and powdery

Yes!! I hate that I can see tiny powder atoms on my face. I do think they have liquid mineral makeup too.

o man I know how you feel. I no longer use foundation and when I first stopped I felt the same way you did. I always thought everyone was staring. I guess when I stopped using it, it somehow caused me to break out or probably all the anxiety from not wearing any was. Im happy though I uit foundation. I rarely breakout now and its just nicer i guess...

Amanda you´re lucky to get away with Tinted Moisturizer..hopefully I´ll get to that point too one day. I´m still working on getting rid of acne scars but my skintone is so uneven/blotchy. Unless I apply self tanner or it´s summer and I get a tan.

But I have felt really relieved since I started wearing mineral makeup. It´s so easy and I bet it´s gonna feel awesome in summer, compared to having to wear liquid foundation

I quit acrylics. They made typing too hard and my nails were in horrible shape when I took them off for a break.

I used to be addicted to trying tons of foundations and getting a new one all the time because my skin was breaking out like crazy.

Now that my skin is more under control (no new pimples, but I do have red marks from old ones =[) and more even, I prefer using MAC Mineralize liquid, Studio Fix, or Bare Minerals (only one at any given time, though!). I find that all of these just smooth out my complexion without giving me the "cake face" look. Sure, you can see some of my marks, but I don't really let it bother me anymore.

to all those who quit acyrlics..maybe you could give gel a go? i always use to have acrylics on until i did my nail courses and found out a lot about acrylic and gel, gel is really flexible,more so than acrylic and it doesnt leave your nails in bad condition underneath. i could take my gels off today and the nail underneath would be strong and healthy. love gel! if you were going to try a gel then i would suggest creatives brisa or bio sculpture.

and i would love to give up foundation, but my skin is uneven so i wont be doing that any time in the i have given up lipbalm i was so addicted to it at one stage that i was reapplying every few mins.. :vogel: :rotfl:

lucky i wish i could quit like that i think the reason i wear it is because mt face isnt as tan as my body and i dont like to tan my face sometimes i just wear moisturizer and like bare minerals powder foundation or i dust on some studio fix but thats on the light days good for u though!

I tried to stop using foundation [lasted for almost a week] but today I just bought a new bottle of foundation. Oh well.

Congrats Benebaby!! I too have quit foundation, only tinted moisturizer and it is an amazing feeling~!~ What tinted moisturizer are you using? I am loving laura mercier oil free, but thinking i may try benefit rebel!

I have met Amanda and she does not need foundation. Girl, your skin is freaking awesome.


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