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Big difference! Good for you:) Here's to continued improvement:rockwoot: I have also struggled with acne, and still get the occasional pimple, so I know how much it sucks. I hate how it makes you just want to stay at home and do nothing because you feel like everyone will be staring at your face...I'm so happy for you that it's getting better:)

Wow, you look great! Good luck with Accutane. A few friends of mine went on it when I was in high school and it really worked for them. I do remember that it really dried their skin out. Make sure you drink lots of water! Keep us posted!

Yeah, there's definitely a huge improvement..and I'm sure the accutane will completely knock the acne out. I'm thinking about getting on Retin A as well.

The pill did it for me but I hear great things about accutane. Good luck.

I hope you were able to get on accutane. It saved me and my teenage kids. A good aggressive round of it and you won't have to mess with all of the medicines and stuff through high school and college.

Congrats on your transformation! I bet you're feeling so good about yourself! I'm very happy for you!

You are such a goreous girl anyway.

Please be careful with accutaine, it can cause many horrible side affects.

I dunno how I missed this thread! But, wow you look great now. I can see a HUGE difference. I'm guessing by now you're on Accutane? It would be nice to hear from you how that's going. I'm going on Accutane next month and I'm so scared! :scared: :scared:

Good luck and I hope everythings going well! :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

So many different things can effect acne. It's really hard to figure out how to get a handle on it. I had a moderate problem when I was younger. I tried EVERYTHING to get a handle on it. Finally my dermatologist put me on Accutane. It was like a godsent. I have never had a serious problem with acne since....and this was years ago. Once in a while, I will get the odd spot, but it's always small, and heals by the next day. If you dermatologist feels that Accutane could work for you, then go for it.

Good luck!

So many different things can effect acne. It's really hard to figure out how to get a handle on it. I had a moderate problem when I was younger. I tried EVERYTHING to get a handle on it. Finally my dermatologist put me on Accutane. It was like a godsend. I have never had a serious problem with acne since....and this was years ago. Once in a while, I will get the odd spot, but it's always small, and heals by the next day. If you dermatologist feels that Accutane could work for you, then go for it.

Good luck!

Yay! I'm so happy for you! I'm sure you'll improve even more, keep us posted.

I'm glad you've decided to give accutane a try. I have suffured cyctic acne from the time I was 12 up until I was 19(when I went on accutane). I had hard painful puss filled bumps and the only reason I didnt go on accutane straight away was because of my history with depression.

I have tried everything you've mentioned and some worked for a while but then it came back worse than before. Also it may seem expensive but think how much you spent on all the products that didnt work over the years. With accutane all you need is the basics gentle face wash and good moisturizer. I suggest ROC Dermatologic Enydrial extra emollient. Its cheaper than the Roc cosmetic cremes line and the tube is huge and lasts forever. It's meant for atopic skin like eczema where the skin is inflamed dry and flakey. You can also use it as a body moisturizer because the skin on your body will dry out too. This is gross but I also suggest rubbing the inside of your nose with olive oil as it gets really dry and sneezing is painful. Also drink loads and loads of water and get moisturizing shampoos and hair packs ( unless your hair is really oily)

One round of accutane is usually enough so although it might be uncomfortable its worth is because your acne wont come back. The only permenant side effect I have is dry hair , but then again my hair was on the dryer side before I even started using it.

Hope this helps , if you have any questions feel free to ask :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Good luck and can't wait to see your new pics :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Apparently I cant re-edit my old post but let me show some recent photos from the month of April.

April 15, 2007. 1 month and 2 packs into the second month of accutane. Makeup is on. Im aware now my shirt is low... i didnt know for the photo.

And this one is straight after my shower.. maybe 2 weeks ago.. and I had been out the shower for atleast 30 mins if that means anything.


OMG what a difference. Seems like Accutane has shown some fast effects and improvements in your skin. I´m so happy for you!!!!!!

You look wonderful Jess, im so glad accutane has worked so good for you, i bet that makes you pretty happy :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

wow, you look amazing!!!!!! im soo happy it working for you, I was thinking about going to my derm again after 4 yrs of quitting since everything he gave me never worked! I have been dealing with acne since I was 18, and I'm 23 now I need to get a stop to this, I really hate the consistency of it. I want clear skin...grrrrrrrrrr


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