Just tried EDM and I think I like it...

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Originally Posted by Midgard I used mineral foundation this week also for the first time
I love it, it stays much longer (also in this heat and humidity), and doesn't make my skin get so oily! I don't have access to EDM, I use a german brand!

what german brand offers mineral makeup??? I wanna try mineral mu so bad but I can´t order anything since I have no Credit Card. I didn´t know any brans here offer it.
Originally Posted by Andi what german brand offers mineral makeup??? I wanna try mineral mu so bad but I can´t order anything since I have no Credit Card. I didn´t know any brans here offer it. You can use paypal too Andi.
Originally Posted by Thais You can use paypal too Andi. never done that before. plus the problem is if I end up really liking it I gotta buy it from there and pay for shipping blabla...too much hassle. I hope european brands come out with mineral foundations soon!!!

Originally Posted by Midgard Thank you sooo much for this tutorial, it helped me so much! Your welcome dear. I can't remember who posted the link on here before but they definitely helped me a lot by posting it. I'm glad that I could pay it forward so to speak.
Originally Posted by Andi never done that before. plus the problem is if I end up really liking it I gotta buy it from there and pay for shipping blabla...too much hassle. I hope european brands come out with mineral foundations soon!!!

Well the thing is that these minerals are so cheap (US$12 for 1 foundation) and last for so long (expect it to last 6+ months), that even with the shipping it would still be cheaper than buying some of the high end brands foundations there in Austria. I think it may be worth the try!
I just got my first EDM samples yesterday! Since I have *never* found a foundation that was too light for me (the lightest color in many brands is even too dark for me), I ordered Fair in matte and intensive, and just in case Fair was too pink, I also ordered Golden Fair in matte. (But I fit their description for Fair perfectly except for the freckles part: "ideal for red heads or blondes; pale skin tones with soft pink undertones; those who freckle and burn easily and must wear sunscreen at all times.") I also got the finishing dust instead of a concealor, since the concealors looked about 5 shades too dark for me!!!

I have super-oily skin so I was hoping this would work better than my current foundation and powder, Prescriptives ("Px") Traceless foundation and their All Skins Powder. Both of my Px products are very sheer/translucent, which is the only way they'd match my skin since they blend in well, but neither product is made for oily skin so I get shiny very quickly. And Px is known for making pale mu...

I tried the EDM matte Fair and Finishing Dust today, and while I was happy it was a good color for me (at least I think it is... I keep trying to look at my face in different lights to make sure!), I was sad that my face still got shiny in an hour and was a greasy mess by lunchtime.
Oh well, at least I have lots of blotting sheets.... I did use a fluffy powder brush to apply it since I don't have a kabuki, and I know that will give a more sheer finish than a kabuki, but I put two layers of foundation on hoping that would make up for it. I don't think there's a foundation out there that can sop up my oil AND match my skin color!

I will try the Intensive tomorrow, but since it's not as matte, my hopes aren't very high. (By the way, I thought the matte and Intensive looked like the same color in the jars.) If I decide the Fair color is the best for me, I may still switch to EDM just because it's cheaper! And maybe over the long-term, my skin will be happier with the more natural makeup! (Although my dermatologist did tell me a few years ago that Prescriptives was the only "truly" noncomedogenic makeup and it was all he'd let me wear! But I don't think mineral mu was very popular back then!)

Originally Posted by girl_geek I will try the Intensive tomorrow, but since it's not as matte, my hopes aren't very high. (By the way, I thought the matte and Intensive looked like the same color in the jars.) If I decide the Fair color is the best for me, I may still switch to EDM just because it's cheaper! And maybe over the long-term, my skin will be happier with the more natural makeup! (Although my dermatologist did tell me a few years ago that Prescriptives was the only "truly" noncomedogenic makeup and it was all he'd let me wear! But I don't think mineral mu was very popular back then!)

I Put on 2 layers with my buffer brush so you prob def didnt have enough on. Also the buffing does make a huge difference if you decide you like the minerals then spring for a new brush there are some out there that are reasonably priced. Glad you found your color though
Oh yeah & wearing MMU does help to clear up skin at least its helped mine big time.
Originally Posted by girl_geek I just got my first EDM samples yesterday! Since I have *never* found a foundation that was too light for me (the lightest color in many brands is even too dark for me), I ordered Fair in matte and intensive, and just in case Fair was too pink, I also ordered Golden Fair in matte. (But I fit their description for Fair perfectly except for the freckles part: "ideal for red heads or blondes; pale skin tones with soft pink undertones; those who freckle and burn easily and must wear sunscreen at all times.") I also got the finishing dust instead of a concealor, since the concealors looked about 5 shades too dark for me!!!
I have super-oily skin so I was hoping this would work better than my current foundation and powder, Prescriptives ("Px") Traceless foundation and their All Skins Powder. Both of my Px products are very sheer/translucent, which is the only way they'd match my skin since they blend in well, but neither product is made for oily skin so I get shiny very quickly. And Px is known for making pale mu...

I tried the EDM matte Fair and Finishing Dust today, and while I was happy it was a good color for me (at least I think it is... I keep trying to look at my face in different lights to make sure!), I was sad that my face still got shiny in an hour and was a greasy mess by lunchtime.
Oh well, at least I have lots of blotting sheets.... I did use a fluffy powder brush to apply it since I don't have a kabuki, and I know that will give a more sheer finish than a kabuki, but I put two layers of foundation on hoping that would make up for it. I don't think there's a foundation out there that can sop up my oil AND match my skin color!

I will try the Intensive tomorrow, but since it's not as matte, my hopes aren't very high. (By the way, I thought the matte and Intensive looked like the same color in the jars.) If I decide the Fair color is the best for me, I may still switch to EDM just because it's cheaper! And maybe over the long-term, my skin will be happier with the more natural makeup! (Although my dermatologist did tell me a few years ago that Prescriptives was the only "truly" noncomedogenic makeup and it was all he'd let me wear! But I don't think mineral mu was very popular back then!)

What are you using underneath your mu? Any primers or moisturizers?
Originally Posted by Andi never done that before. plus the problem is if I end up really liking it I gotta buy it from there and pay for shipping blabla...too much hassle. I hope european brands come out with mineral foundations soon!!!

I just made an order to EDM including a starter kit and a sample kit. You get to choose the shipping method on the site. I chose USPS Global Priority Mail-Flat Rate for $6.93. I used code ''HSN'' to get a 10% discount, so the total was only $32, and that includes shipping.
I'll get all these full-sized products in the starter-kit:two foundations, powder, blush, concealer and a brush of my choice. So I think EDM isn't expensive at all!

I don't have a credit card either. I use Paypal with my finnish ATM card and it works just fine.

Hey girls! Well, I tried my EDM samples last night. I used the fairly light in original glo, apple blush, and finishing dust. I think the color looked great. I am not too sure about the original glo formula though. It looked good inside but when I was outside it was a little too shiny-but it looked like a "healthy glow" and not really oily. I think I will stick to that in the winter when my skin gets pretty dry. I have the intensive formula sample as well. So I will be using that tonight. That one will probably work better since it is a semi-matte.

I did have some concerns though. The EDM went on nice and color was good. However, it kinda creased in my smile lines (not wrinkles, I'm only 21
) Then I do have some dry patches on my skin, that it kinda made worse. I have always had this problem with makeup though. I guess I need a really good exfoliater but I cant find one. I use ST.Ives. I kinda think it may be the brush I am using. I have a Bare Escentuals kabuki brush that a friend gave me. But I have super sensitive skin and it feels rough and kinda hurts my face! I need to get a better brush!! Does everyone use a circular motion to apply the minerals or just swip it over your face. I used a circular one, just wondering about everyone else.

Originally Posted by BEgirliegirl Does everyone use a circular motion to apply the minerals or just swip it over your face. I used a circular one, just wondering about everyone else. I also do the circular motion and it works fine!
Originally Posted by Glamour Girl I tried my EDM today too, but I have to say I wasn't that impressed. I got the matte but the coverage wasn't so great. I don't think I'm even going to bother with the "intensive" version.
My samples were delivered this morning, so I shall give them a try later on. I am a bit concerned about covering a blemish or two also, so hope I can get the look I want with this new product. We shall see.

Originally Posted by BEgirliegirl Hey girls! Well, I tried my EDM samples last night. I used the fairly light in original glo, apple blush, and finishing dust. I think the color looked great. I am not too sure about the original glo formula though. It looked good inside but when I was outside it was a little too shiny-but it looked like a "healthy glow" and not really oily. I think I will stick to that in the winter when my skin gets pretty dry. I have the intensive formula sample as well. So I will be using that tonight. That one will probably work better since it is a semi-matte.
I did have some concerns though. The EDM went on nice and color was good. However, it kinda creased in my smile lines (not wrinkles, I'm only 21
) Then I do have some dry patches on my skin, that it kinda made worse. I have always had this problem with makeup though. I guess I need a really good exfoliater but I cant find one. I use ST.Ives. I kinda think it may be the brush I am using. I have a Bare Escentuals kabuki brush that a friend gave me. But I have super sensitive skin and it feels rough and kinda hurts my face! I need to get a better brush!! Does everyone use a circular motion to apply the minerals or just swip it over your face. I used a circular one, just wondering about everyone else.

Hey hunnie, I would say for the settling thing, put on a little less of the minerals in one sweep. Layer it lightly and avoid those areas with the little lines.
As for the brush, I HIGHLY recommend the new MAC 182 Kabuki brush! It is VELVET soft and doesn't irritate my sensitive skin at all, I loved it so much I now have TWO!! Trust me, this is THE softest Kabuki I have ever come across...

Lastly, you HAVE to use a very good mositurizer anytime you use foundation especially when it is a powder like this one. I would recommend MAC Studio Moisture Cream... It is super emollient but it doesn't feel greasy and it is non-comedogenic and non-acnegenic. Also it you are using the Apricot Scrub, IMMEDIATELY stop! It is actually worse for your face than you can imagine, the seeds that exfoliate in it are WAY too rough for your face and are sharp which can actually make tiny curs in your face where bacteria can hide and possibly cause acne... Try using a more gentle exfoliator like MAC Microfine Refinisher.

Thais and Min -- Actually, by the end of the day, I think I decided that the Fair matte was too dark. It looked okay in the morning, but as it soaked up the oil (even though I used blotting sheets) it got darker and darker
At the end of the day, just for fun I took my finger and wiped off a stripe, and you could definitely see a lighter stripe where I had no mu! And I thought I had a pretty light coat of mu on! I don't have any foundation primers, but I do use Cetaphil Moisturizing Cream.

Today I did try the Fair Intensive, and while I still got just as oily just as quickly, this formula didn't seem to turn orange like the matte formula. I will go ahead and use it another day or two to make sure, sometimes I *think* something works on the first day, but a few days later I decide I don't like it! lol I did notice that the Intensive had a fuller coverage than the matte, using my powder brush gave me all the coverage I wanted, almost too much in some spots! (I prefer a sheer coverage.) But if I stick with this, I could always use a kabuki and just apply one light coat instead of two!

Originally Posted by girl_geek Thais and Min -- Actually, by the end of the day, I think I decided that the Fair matte was too dark. It looked okay in the morning, but as it soaked up the oil (even though I used blotting sheets) it got darker and darker
At the end of the day, just for fun I took my finger and wiped off a stripe, and you could definitely see a lighter stripe where I had no mu! And I thought I had a pretty light coat of mu on! I don't have any foundation primers, but I do use Cetaphil Moisturizing Cream.
Today I did try the Fair Intensive, and while I still got just as oily just as quickly, this formula didn't seem to turn orange like the matte formula. I will go ahead and use it another day or two to make sure, sometimes I *think* something works on the first day, but a few days later I decide I don't like it! lol I did notice that the Intensive had a fuller coverage than the matte, using my powder brush gave me all the coverage I wanted, almost too much in some spots! (I prefer a sheer coverage.) But if I stick with this, I could always use a kabuki and just apply one light coat instead of two!

You must have deeply oily skin! I have oily skin but the minerals do a great job keeping the oil under control. I am not sure if the primers I use have anything to do with it though... It's a possibility.
I got my intensive samples in the mail today! Hooray!!!! Will try it tomorrow and post a FOTD on sunday!

Originally Posted by Thais You must have deeply oily skin! I have oily skin but the minerals do a great job keeping the oil under control. I am not sure if the primers I use have anything to do with it though... It's a possibility.
I got my intensive samples in the mail today! Hooray!!!! Will try it tomorrow and post a FOTD on sunday!

It is pretty oily, on days I don't wear makeup, you can already wipe off a slimy layer of oil a few hours after I wash my face!
With the EDM, my skin was slightly shiny about 90 minutes after I applied my mu, and was very oily (as in, it looked wet, like I was sweating!) about 3 hours after I did my mu! But most makeup I've tried is similar... The only thing that kept my face matte for a decent amount of time was, surprisingly, the $5 CoverGirl Professional Loose Powder! However, like most other products I've tried, the lighest color was too dark for me

I think now that it's getting later in the evening and I haven't used blotting sheets for a few hours, the Intensive is just starting to get a little dark. But I still don't think it's as bad as the matte. If I was going to be out all day and night, hopefully it would be ok if I just blotted every so often!


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