Mac Barbie collection... forums

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You guys are nuts! You keep posting MU announcements like this that I can't resist looking at. Next thing you's an hour later and I'm late for work! LOL... and I've even visited this thread before. So you see it gets me every time!

this may be a bit random, but does anyone know what date Barbie collection goes on sale in UK? or is it the same as the States?

Thanks in advance :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

if anyone hears anymore about when this will be released in the UK can they please post it here???????? I loooved Barbie when I was little, and I love MAC now, so this is the perfect combo!!

as always if i hear anything ill post, but its pretty likely to stick to march 1st and the actual doll is going to be VERY limited in the UK

I just got off the phone with a rep from my MAC store, and she said they're getting it the 13th (like most of you said). She also told me quantities are extremely limited (she stressed this twice), and if we don't go the day it comes out... we probably won't get it. She said she doesn't know why, but this collection is so much more limited than the ones they've done in the past. I knew it would be limited, but I didn't think it would be this bad. Could it be possible the it will sell out the first day?

I would venture to say that some of it selling out is a big possibility. I was planning on going to MAC in a town about 2 hours away around the 16/17th because we haven't got one here - but now I am thinking I better order online!

I think it is a possibility, especially if the collection is in limited quantities and there's a huge demand.

It also depends on how big the MAC store around you is too (even freestanding stores).

The closest one to my house gets sold out of LE stuff WAY quicker (for ex: danse MSFS were sold out in 2 days) than the one further away (and that one had DRAWERS full of them even like a week later).

Granted, the closest one is in a relatively smaller mall. Maybe that could be a factor too.


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