Manders is retiring.... forums

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Originally Posted by emily_3383 /img/forum/go_quote.gif Why dont we just retire the voting? Its alot more fun without making it a popularity contest! You have great skills and you should stop posting.

OMG Manders, I'm sooo sorry, what a truly unpleasant situation!!!

I agree w/Emily, this is a possibilty.

this makes me so sad! i enjoy all of the entries and look to you, and many others for inspiration. i'm sorry to say that those who complain probably won't participate any more than they do now. just hateration of you ask me! please don't quit amanda! we need you! the skill you've developed gives the rest of us hope that we can get better! jmho~

Originally Posted by ~ Belle ~ /img/forum/go_quote.gif I don't see the point in the voting either. Any likelihood of that changing? I'll bring it up to the other mods.
But, to be perfectly honest, the voting is what makes it a challenge. It's what pushes people to try their very best. And, for anyone who does not wish for their entry to be voted on, they can opt out of the poll. So the individual end result would be the same as if there was no poll.

I just fear that if the voting is removed, then the best of the best in these challenges will have a lot less motivation to try their hardest or even enter at all. Their participation will most likely die down and others will follow suit. The D2B forum would then fizzle out into nothingness. I know it's a bleak view, but the poll does have its purpose.

There was no voting in the Halloween D2B and not only did participation lack, but people even asked why they couldn't vote for their favorite.

Thank You everyone for your encouraging words and kindness. I never posted DTB's to win or to have people stroke my ego. I posted because I have a genuine love for the artistry of makeup. This isn't a hobby of mine that I occasionally do, this is my career and my life.

I had always looked forward to posting my DTB's. Excitement about telling people what I used and the hope that it would inspire someone else. But as time went on things on the site began to change. I am not sure what it was, I can best describe it as a negative feeling. I did the Halloween Hotties DTB and went I went to post the pics...I couldn't. It was the first time I ever had a bad feeling when it came to makeup, my passion. So I didn't post.

It is unfortunate that it comes to this, but I will not let anyone make me feel bad about what I love. And that started to happen. It's not about votes or popularity. I could care less If I won, although any vote is appreciated. Ultimately I made this decision because I have enough to worry about in my life aside from feeling bad about posting my DTB's. I apologize for disappointing some of you.

Use the negativity as energy, remember if people start to hate, it means your doing something right. You have a talent and should let it be known.

Well I think the voting should be eliminated, and that seems to be the general feeling about it so far, so I don't think people will stop participating, they seem like they would want to more.

Manders, although i respect your decision i'd like to let you know that i always enjoy your entries and all that you contribute. You are such an inspiration to ME and i love your work. You're the entire package, beautiful, intelligent and talented. You have a lot to offer=) Keep your chin up and do what you do best! ((((Hugs))))

I'll put in my two cents ... I've been a participant on this board for many years, I introduced people to it, probably including Benebaby. (not sure if she showed me or I showed her because it's been like 4 years or so) I stopped participating in any contests or tutorials or anything else that requires user input and comments because I've had my fun and I just don't have time to do it anymore. I also find that a lot of the younger crowd (or just immature) don't appreciate people's talents and photographs, and they have to lash out and make a dirty comment just to put that person down, which isn't fair, but it's expected on an online community. I've had my life ruined in the past because of participation on an online community (nothing to do with where I trusted people too much or got too close with the members and shared some private information that was posted public. You are always going to find weirdos, and mean-spirited people on the web, no matter what kind of website it is. If Amanda feels uncomfortable doing DTBs or doesn't like the comments, she has every right to retire from doing it. I personally feel that Amanda could use herself as an "example" face for the DTBs if she wanted, so she could still participate, but not be voted for.

I have considered retiring from this site altogether and have taken long absences because I've felt that my opinions and advice have been overshadowed by more of the popular posters, or my posts get moved every 5 seconds because it's not posted in a proper place, so I feel like I am just wasting time and energy being here. This place isn't what it used to be, and I do miss a particular few who were banned that I enjoyed seeing posts from. The only reason I am here is to see what Amanda is up to, she's my BFF and I stalk her on a daily basis only because I care. =)

Originally Posted by perlanga2005 /img/forum/go_quote.gif Use the negativity as energy, remember if people start to hate, it means your doing something right. You have a talent and should let it be known. Amen sista!
Originally Posted by emily_3383 /img/forum/go_quote.gif Why dont we just retire the voting? Its alot more fun without making it a popularity contest! You have great skills and you shouldnt stop posting. I agree with the decision. Maybe we could take a vote on that? I also agree with the others and say screw those who talk negative, that's just how some people are. In my opinion, the challenges have been getting a little too personal. Even adults are sometimes petty and the only way to stop this, I say, is to stop the voting and let's just do the challenges all for fun.

Originally Posted by MindySue /img/forum/go_quote.gif Well I think the voting should be eliminated, and that seems to be the general feeling about it so far, so I don't think people will stop participating, they seem like they would want to more. The vast majority of people saying we should eliminate voting don't participate anyway. If we eliminate voting they might participate a few times, but I highly doubt that if someone doesn't participate now that they'd all of the sudden be posting in every D2B if the voting is eliminated.
I'm sorry if I'm being rude, I know I'm coming off as very strong, but this is something that I feel VERY strongly about. If the voting is removed, I fully believe that the D2B forum will become a dead forum on MuT.

Its ashame to hear. I always liked your DTB's and didn't realize there was much negativity in regarding to your wins.

It won't be the same without you and i hope to see you in your DTB's perhaps in the hoping this retirement won't be too permanent...=/

Originally Posted by BeautifullyMADE /img/forum/go_quote.gif I agree with the decision. Maybe we could take a vote on that? I've already asked the other mods if we should. We probably will take a poll in the end. If it truly is the consensus that voting should be removed, then that's what we'll do.
For me, the DTB's are fun! I wish you wouldn't let the attitude of other people discourage you from being part of that. I could honestly careless WHO wins, I really just enjoy looking at how creative everyone is. Maybe voting should be eliminated.

I agree with what the others are saying, I'll miss seeing ur beautiful face in the D2B; but I know it is a very personal decision you've made. I hope you'll still be around giving advice and tutorials, you're so amazing!

I get that you feel strongly but obviously other people don't agree and would like to see a change. It's not like it would have to be a permanent change.

EVERYONE that posted regards the voting thing, answer me sincerely:

ARE YOU going to participate on DTB if it's not with the voting system? Will you post your pictures?


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