New Dessert Sub: Orange Glad! forums

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It does seem a bit high for 5 items.I am on the monthly plan but I am going to see how the next month's box is before I decide. It does look yummy but if I can't justify the price, I will not stay with it.

I did a quick cost analysis of the items in the box. If we were to by everything individually it would be about $25. Add shipping costs into that and I think the $20 a month for the sub is justifiable, especially considering the extra shipping items they have to supply, like ice packs. Also, the concept of having treats that I would never know or hear about otherwise adds a different type of value to the sub for me. 

I don't know if the value of the box will always exceed $20, but for now I will continue to sub. 

That is good to know. I did figure packing in there but since I don't have my box, I could not  figure out pricing. I  also like that these are goodies I might not have ever known about. That is what is  great for trying the sampler boxes. I love trying new stuff.

well.. i was going to wait until after i got my box to see if i wanted to do another month......but apparently i was just charged for august? on july 12, before ever getting my first box? I had figured they would charge at the end of july or august 1st.

wtf? pretty unhappy about this.. I was excited for this too, but this really put a bad taste in my mouth.

Thanks for this. I didn't get a chance to do a breakdown yet, but was thinking that if I were in a coffee shop, and had to buy these items individually they would probably be at least $3-4 dollars each, so $15 + shipping didn't seem that bad, I suppose.

Originally Posted by Dayo Steph /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Got my box! I've only tried the stick cookies so far, but they were yummy. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
Same, I just tried the stick cookies, and threw everything else in the fridge for now.

Boy, those things are delicious :eek: /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I got my box today! I haven't tried anything yet, but I did really enjoy looking at everything and I can't wait to try it! I'm totally going to keep my sub. :) To me it's worth it because I know that I can never find things like this around me.

I thought the Brownie was amazing! And, I'm not even a huge brownie person. Oh, and I gifted myself 3 months


Cool, I saw that on their FB page, congrats!
What's the link to their fb page? I can't seem to find it. I'm really tempted by this sub.....but the added shipping cost makes it seem sort of expensive. I'm waiting to see what everyone gets before deciding to commit to this sub.
Pretty sure I've decided Orange Glad is going to be the one I stick with month to month over my other food subs. I was wary at first for the price, but there are a LOT of goodies in one box, and the shipping costs seems to actually be going somewhere - everything was super well packaged and nothing melted in spite of the 90 degree+ temps we've been having, plus SUPER fast shipping.

Comparing this to say.. goodies, who sends out bags of crumbs not even worth the monthly box fee, and treatsie who only send 3 small samples of candy and seem to have issues with stuff melting during the summer since they use only one tiny ice pack to keep everything cool, I think the extra cost of orange glad is worth it.

.. and i liked every single thing in the box. and wanted to eat 3 dozen of certain things (yumme pb cookie sandwich thing, i'm looking at you).

WOW this box is AMAZING!!! Spoiler below. Hopefully its okay to post my video, if not my bad, still new here.
What a cute review with you and your husband! Wish i got in earlier for this first box. The selection and size of items are very generous compared to other food boxes. Subscribed last week and hoping the next box will be as good as the first!
Originally Posted by glamigirl /img/forum/go_quote.gif

What a cute review with you and your husband!

Wish i got in earlier for this first box. The selection and size of items are very generous compared to other food boxes.

Subscribed last week and hoping the next box will be as good as the first!
Glad you liked it. xoxo

I'm in LOVE with some of the stuff I got this month.. but I went to buy Alice's Stick Cookies from the Alice's website and shipping is 14 bucks for one 8 dollar box of cookies, and they're sold nowhere near me. Why must companies taunt me like this? Those cookies were HEAVENLY.

Originally Posted by BoxesWithBunny /img/forum/go_quote.gif

WOW this box is AMAZING!!!

Spoiler below. Hopefully its okay to post my video, if not my bad, still new here.
That was such an adorable review!  Very sweet in all sense of the word :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />...  Thanks for putting that on!  




I love the contents of this box, but the shipment cost is sooo much :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />...  If it was $4 I'd jumped on it.  I'll think on it for a few days and I'm sure I'll uncle soon enough :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />...



Originally Posted by FormosaHoney /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I love the contents of this box, but the shipment cost is sooo much :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />...  If it was $4 I'd jumped on it.  I'll think on it for a few days and I'm sure I'll uncle soon enough :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />...



I had reservations about this, but I honestly think now that I've gotten my box its worth it. We got 5 products in the first box - a box of stick cookies, 4 pack of chocolate covered smores, a huge brownie, 2 big sized samples of different flavors of chocolate bar, and chocolate dipped pb cookie sandwich with amazinggg frosting filling. And it all arrived intact in spite of our 90-100 degree heatwave - they double pack their boxes with insulated bags and lots of ice packs shipped via priority mail, so it does seem that the shipping cost is actually going to quality packing and quick shipping so stuff arrives edible.
Originally Posted by OiiO /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Same, I just tried the stick cookies, and threw everything else in the fridge for now.

Boy, those things are delicious :eek: /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
I saw the "stick cookies" are shortbread!

If you can or like baking the Cordon bleu cooking techniques has a amazing shortbread recipe that is the Sh!T. I make it and add crystalized maple sugar to it before baking and a tiny bit of salt (or use salted butter).

This sub looks pretty good, too bad there is nothing like this near me.

I'll have to settle on going to the bakery in person and stealing the samples there, lol

(joking about the stealing part, the owner of the bakery in nice and always lets me try what he is working on :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />


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