Oil Cleansing Method

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Hi! I just started posting on this website and I had some questions about OCm and was hoping that someone on here could help me out! Do you cleanse once or twice a day with this? How much of the oil mixture would you say you use? And if you only cleanse with it once a day, do you just rinse with water other times? Thanks so much! ~~jax


I cleanse twice a day, I like the fresh cleaned feeling in the morning, too. I think others just use a tiny bit of oil, but I take a lot. It's about quartersize, just because I like to massage it into my skin, I think it doubles as cleanser and moisturizer. There are days I use a hot washcloth to remove the oil, and other days I use handmade soap to remove it. It's a little bit more drying when I use soap, and when my skin is really really dry, I only use a hot washcloth.

Okay, I've been using it twice a day, so good I'm not doing it "wrong" or anything! Thanks for the quick reply! ~~jax

Originally Posted by Ohappydaye /img/forum/go_quote.gif I think I'm going to give this a try, but I have a couple of questions. Do you all tone afterwards? I typically use an ACV and Tea tree oil toner after I clean my face. Also, would it be ok to use my Neutrogena Oil free acne cream cleanser after this or no? I usually do use a toner afterwards, just to get excess oil off my face. Clinique Clarifying Lotion 3 to be exact. I don't usually wash with anything else though. I use a little Sweet Almond Oil and Castor Oil mixed together then I tone afterwards and finally, use an eye and face moisturizer.
Sounds fine to me! Alot of times it just comes down to a little bit of experimenting to find out what works best for you. Good luck!

This is great information. I am going to try this tonight for my super dry skin.


Those of you that do masks every week or so, do you use the OCM before or after your mask? I currently cleanse my face with my face wash and then apply my mask and then do my toner after that, but I wasn't sure how it would work with this method.

Originally Posted by itzmarylicious /img/forum/go_quote.gif yea i wanna know that too. seems like it would make your face oiler and clog your pores and cause more breakouts. Mine actually cleared up

I have had terrible skin for years, and believe me, acne isn't caused simply by things clogging your pores: otherwise, dirt would be the main cause of breakouts, and everybody would break out equally in similar environments. Just because these cleansers have "oil" in them, doesn't mean they stimulate oil glands or clog pores. Believe me, this approach has absolutely saved my skin, and soothed it into submission! I LOVE oil cleansers, they actually make my skin more comfortable and less oily and shiny. They're extremely effective at cleaning your skin, without aggravating it. Believe me, I've had every skin condition under the sun.


Besides, acne is caused by any number of factors: genetic factors, pollution, your immune system, your digestive system, food, your blood, your thyroid, the way your body deals with and disposes of hormones/toxins... Your glands aren't producing vegetable oils! These aren't bacteria and toxin-rich pollutants, these are clean, soothing, highly beneficial ingredients.


Ohappydaye: Scrubbing and over-toning your skin could dry it out, completely defeating the point of the oil-cleansing! Your skin could make more oil to compensate, and over-scrubbing can aggravate your skin, too. The point in the oil cleansing method is to take a gentle, moisture-giving approach. You're canceling it out by using a harsher, moisture-taking one! Give oil-cleansing a proper chance, okay? Think of it as using a cleanser that also helps moisturise. Your skin shouldn't feel dry afterwards, that's the point!

Originally Posted by Ohappydaye /img/forum/go_quote.gif OK I just did this and I'm freaking out a little.
I'm praying I won't wake up to a zit filled face in the morning. Here is my potion mixture: extra virgin olive oil, castor oil, a few drops of vitamin E, lemon juice and tea tree oil. Leave it to me to over do it, right? lol
Afterwards I used an ACV, tea tree and water toner on a cotton ball because I was freaked out about the possiblities of having left some of this in my pores. That left me feeling a bit dry, so I followed the instructions in the article and took a tiny bit of EVOO and CO and massaged it in to relieve the itches. Then I put my some oil free Olay for sensitive skin on and it felt better.

I hope I didn't mess this up. I'm thinking of exfoliating in the morning with Queen Helene's Mint Julip facial scrub b/c of the peeling I have from drying out my skin with BP. Figured also that if I over did it with the oil tonight that would get it out.
What do you all think?

I think it will be fine. I know it seems like the OIL will stay and clog your pores, but it won't. Especially if you're using a toner afterwards. Let us know how it's working for you!

Originally Posted by dreamgirl_leah /img/forum/go_quote.gif Those of you that do masks every week or so, do you use the OCM before or after your mask? I currently cleanse my face with my face wash and then apply my mask and then do my toner after that, but I wasn't sure how it would work with this method. I would say to just replace your regular face wash with the OCM. So...thus you would do the OCM then your mask then your toner. hth
What kind of grapeseed oil do you use? Are there different grades like coldpressed and refined ?

I use jojoba and grapeseed oil and my skin has changed a lot. It's so soft now and just glowy. I was so scared when I first started using oils and I was convinced I was going to have a huge breakout but to this day(I've been doing OCM since january) I haven't broken out due to the oils.

Does anyone know what oils would be recommened for combination skin? I would like to give this a try but i'm unsure of what to mixes to use in my blend. I already have jojoba oil

I just started OCM yesterday for the first time... and strange as it may sound, I think I might already be seeing results unless its all in my head!

My face was breaking out like crazy (it's around that time of the month where this happens) so I was desperate to try anything. I used a mixture of Castor Oil, Grapeseed Oil and Almond Oil, with a few drops of Tea Tree Oil thrown in there too. I put a hot washcloth over my face for a few minutes and then massaged in the oil, then let the washcloth sit over my face to help the oil dissolve, then wiped it all off. After the oil was removed from my face I put some benzoyl peroxide (10%) on my trouble spots and then moisturized all over with pure aloe vera gel.

When I woke up this morning, my face was definitely smoother, I noticed less pores and blackheads... and the acne seemed to have calmed down a bit too (no new pimples, everything looked sort of "settled", not gone, but definitely not flaring up).

So far so good, although today is just day two... since I have oily skin I never would've thought oil would be good for it but I learned about some of the different oils properties and now I feel like a fool for not trying this sooner!

I am going today to buy my oils and start this. What do you all do in the morning to cleanse your face? Do you do the OCM then too or just use a regular face cleanser or do nothing?

you guys do the ocm with your make-up on? i mean, skip the cleanse method using your cleanser and apply oil instead? then use toner after?


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