Ok, let's be honest... who smokes in here?

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I smoked for ten years then I quit. I started when I was 13 and quit when I was 23. I did it cold turkey and man was it hard!!!! I with though servere withdraw and had huge anxiety attacks. I am now 24 and have not smoked for 1 year and 5 months.

Trisha! You and I are on the same page! I have never tried it. But, I grew up in a family where BOTH My parents would put cigs OUT on their plates after dinner. WTF?

I find it extremely vile and if I were single, would never date a smoker. The smell is ewww and only is bad for you.

I consider myself a social smoker. When I am out at the bars or at a party, I do light up a few times. It seems like the more I drink, the more I smoke. During the week, I will probably have a smoke every other day... sort of to unwind from my day at work.

I used to smoke a pack a day (when I was 18 through 20) but I got bronchitis so I had to quit. Now a pack will last me about a month or so. I don't consider myself addicted to it though. There are times when people smoke around me and I won't have the urge to have one.

I guess I am extremely impartial to anti-smoking when my dad died in my arms from smoking/diabetes combination at 54 years old. Yes, it was his choice, I know and understand that. I always make sure that smoking are told that they are violating my airspace when they are around me. I don't care what people do, but when it affects me, they will know. Sorry, but it's the way I feel.

A smoker might not always smell like smoke, but a smoker's breath does. There is no way to hide that.

Used to smoke, smoke, smoke..drink, drink, drink...party, party, party til the wee hours of the morning. Started smoking when I was about 16 yrs old..partied hard for about 10+ long years, and then I just had enough of all of it. By about age 28, I pretty much had it all out of my system. Now, I still really enjoy a glass of wine or martini, but I'm not a big drinker and cigarette smoke really, really makes me sick now.

For me, the environment and mood played a role in my desire to smoke. When I would go out at night and have fun, the cigarette was fun and enjoyable. But I never had the desire to smoke any other time. Cigarettes can be enjoyed just like a person can savor scotch or cognac, considering a person's first taste of any of those items is usually a 'yuck, ick, *spit*' kind of experience.

Would anyone other than an alcoholic be a false drinker? :icon_wink

I'm not praising cigarettes or recommending that people smoke; just giving my own experience.

I smoke about half a pack a day, It's been a bad habit since I was 13. My skin really sucks, constantly dry and there's nothing I can do about it 'till I quit smoking.....but I about have a heart attack if I go a day without smoking :icon_cry:

I've never smoked . . . I think my mom put the fear of death in me when I was a kid and that's the cause of my disinterest in it - I used to complain that she was giving me lung cancer when she smoked and she said that when I grew up, if she ever caught me with a smoke in my mouth, lung cancer would be the least of my problems. :icon_eek:

oh I´m so jealous to hear that. I´d love not to smell like an ashtray from head to toe after coming home from a bar/club. especially the smell in your hair. ugh! sometimes I can even smell it after I´ve washed it once. so I always have to wash it twice :icon_roll

Don't smoke. Never have. Unlike Tony, I only had one parent who smoked, my mom. She smoked when she was pregnant, so I figured she did enough smoking for both of us. Like Tony, our house always smelled of smoke and I developed a real bad allergy to it. Do you live in the U.S.?

A great source you could go to...would be the American Cancer Societies webpage..i think it's something like..www.acs.org...or something...

They have great info on all the ways there are to stop, online Support Groups, links to docs, etc. I don't really know, but I had two friends quit like that...should you make the decision you'd like to quit.

I wish you well.


Would anyone other than an alcoholic be a false drinker? :icon_wink

that is so true, i think its just my bf because even though id smoke everyday, if i was to go without a fag for two hours but then would have two fags in 2hrs after, he would call me a false smoker and i used to think wtf, u dont plan out a time you have a cigarette and decide you have to have a certain amount of time before you can have another one, id have one when i felt like one and sometime the one wouldnt jus satisfy me so i would have one, so he would call me false smoker for smokin different amount of fags in a certain time, so id say well what about people who smoke occassionally are they false and he'd be like yeah its just for show:icon_roll we would argue about it so much and i would get annoyed because he's never smoked and doesnt know nothing about it, but i think he just wanted me to quit

i understand how non smokers think though, i hate it when id get back form a pub it would make me feel so quizy when i smelt my hair, or if i was to walk in a room full of smoke id have to go outside to get air because it would be so stuffy. and id think the same if i saw somone put out a fag on a plate i think thats totally disgusting. iv never smoked around non smokers unless they said it was fine and would go outside in non smokers houses, or even if i was already outside like at the bus stop i would always ask first or walk around for a bit away from them.

I agree, but on the same note drinking and driving inflicts upon innocent drivers everyday. We can hardly regulate that in the US. There are laws against it, but people still do it.

I'm a smoker, but I was delighted when they passed a no-smoking ordinance in my county. I'm a polite smoker, I guess.

That's awesome!! Isn't it great how God will do that if you sincerely ask Him?? That's how I was able to quit too!!

I totally understand Tonya!! When I used to smoke, I was so tired of people telling me how bad it was and how gross it was that I smoked. People were always suprised too when they found out I smoked like it was some appalling thing. I used to think, man, at least I'm not shooting up heroin!! It used to anger me when people would shove their opinions in my face. So to each their own!!

When I smoked, I NEVER smelled like smoke. I guess that's why it was so shocking when people found out I smoked. I didn't like to smell like it so I'd always wash my hands and have plenty of perfume on hand.

But now that I've quit, I can smell smoke a mile away. If you've even been near a cigarette, I'd know it. And I too hate it when smokers have total disregard for everyone else. When my son was first born, smoking was still legal in most Georgia restaurants and public places (It's illegal now), and I used to hate it when smokers would stand next to us and smoke with a total disregard for the infant next to them. When I smoked, I wouldn't even light up if there was a baby around. I just felt like if I wanted to smoke, that's fine, but I wasn't going to push my choices on a child. I mean, can you not wait until you get to the car?! I used to always hate it too because it seemed like every restaurant we'd go to, you'd have to walk through the smoking section to get to the non-smoking section, which was pretty much smoking anyway because we're all breathing the same air. I am just so thankful smoking has been banned in most (if not all) public places in Georgia. At least for the sake of my son.

I totally agree with you!!! it´s crazy to see people smoking next to kids, and EVEN WORSE-pregnant women smoking. it´s so sad...just this morning we had a lecture in school about physical abnormalities and abnormal behavior in newborns. seeing pictures of babies who´s mothers had smoked during pregnancy made me so sad!!!! :icon_sad:

really, I think if I saw a pregnant woman smoking somewhere, I´d have to fight hard not to go up to her, take the cigarette away from her mouth and yell at her. grr, that makes me so mad.

But, I have talked to people who say they didn't smell like smoke, THEY SWORE IT. But on the contrary, it was stinky. I think allot of smokers think that, but they don't realize how MUCH it sticks w/ them. I guarantee you that I would have been able to smell you

I agree. That is the worst. And even the whole outfit smells, down to the underwear. Not to mention your skin. Gross!

I love living in California! No indoor smoking allowed! It's illegal. California started the no -smoking-indoors revolution. When I travel to Wisconsin, it's so strange to me when they ask "smoking or non" when we go out to eat.

It's just that when someone smokes nearby me, it affects me and how fair is that? I don't affect them by anything I do.


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