The new America's Next Top Model (Cycle 7) forums

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Originally Posted by Aquilah /img/forum/go_quote.gif Ditto! I'm totally rooting for CariDee! 3rd she is so annoying!

Originally Posted by empericalbeauty /img/forum/go_quote.gif I was kinda sad to see anchal go but she had it coming. It got to a point where I was convinced that she was fishing for compliments. I think this season is a mess. they have sent the good contestants home and left the bad ones on. BOOO!!!!!!. Anyways, I am rooting for Caridee and the twins and I HATE HATE HATE melrose. Ick..did you see how she won all those clothes? selfish *****. Ditto
Yup I am also keeping my fingers crossed for Caridee, she deserves it. Melrose takes nice pics but she needs to go, she is way too fake!

i vote caridee..the twins are hideous and not in a model hideous kind of way in a hideous hideous kind of way..melrose is so annoying ..n im so sad jaeda went home

Originally Posted by geebers /img/forum/go_quote.gif I really cannot stand Anchal at all. She MUST look prettier in real life cuz it ain't coming through on the television! ya my mom and me think shes ick too..she has this weird triangle face n everyone is always talking about how stunning she is..i dont get it
I actually want Melrose to win, it seems as if Caridee might be getting into some trouble next week, meep. I wasn't surprised to see Jaeda go, she has been in the bottom two way too many times, but I was surprised at how bad Caridee did for the commercial, didn't see that one coming.

I wasn't surprised to see Jaeda go home either... She's was irritating me too damned much crying over hair THAT GROWS BACK! Hello! I'm hoping CariDee isn't going home next week, but it's looking possible... She better screw up BIG time for it to happen, or else I'm honestly going to quit watching it... I have no one else to root for... Not even Eugena is jumping at me!

Originally Posted by monniej /img/forum/go_quote.gif i think this season is a bust! ITL with that. I was really disappointed this time around. The previous two seasons were so bad that I didn't make it all the way to the end, and when the winners were announced, I didn't even care because I didn't watch the whole season. Now it looks to be this way again.
even though i'm not impressed with where this cycle is headed, i must say i was totally impressed with eugena this week. i think she rocked that photo shoot with the bull!

Anchal had a huge nose at the beginning of the show. They've obviously done some surgery on her without anybody noticing!! Compare her now with some of the first episodes, you'll see how tall the bridge of her nose used to be!! Other than that I find her relaly pretty with the new nose, I'm glad she had it done. I also love the fact that she's curvier than the rest of the stick-chicks... I find it much more sensual..

And the twins are butt ugly, both of them.

i really don't like melrose

i also think caridee should win.. i thought the twin who got kicked off last week should have won. she took the best photos but now that she is gone i think caridee should win it

I want Caridee to win and I can't really stand Melrose, and I am kind of surprised that Eugena has lasted so long

Originally Posted by normano04 /img/forum/go_quote.gif I want Caridee to win and I can't really stand Melrose, and I am kind of surprised that Eugena has lasted so long I concur!
Man I'm so glad the ugly twins are out!!!

Originally Posted by missnadia /img/forum/go_quote.gif I concur!
Man I'm so glad the ugly twins are out!!!

IMO the twins were the prettiest. they had the high fashion build and face. too bad they didnt want it bad enough to work what they had.
Originally Posted by empericalbeauty /img/forum/go_quote.gif IMO the twins were the prettiest. they had the high fashion build and face. too bad they didnt want it bad enough to work what they had. They turned out lookin alright on the pics, but in person they were buttttttttttt ugly. Also one thing that annoyed me and maybe keeps me from seeing the "beauty" that everybody else is talking about (wherever that's hiding), is that they had no grace.. You know, that feminine vibe and grace.. To me that's a must.... which they didn't have.
The thing I dont understand is that in modeling no one gives a sh!t about your personality. So what if you are not interested or bored or can't do those dumb challenges ?If you can walk the walk and take pictures. All good.

Elite wants fresh models they can train. These chicks are dumb. If you have the goods go to a damn agency and save yourselves the humiliation of Tara bragging about how she can be sexy at age 15 and a virgin, how she can model fur in summer and bathing suits in winter without shivering.

Im done with this show.

DItto.....I actually think this season is not all that good.....i don't want Melrose to win because IMO she is not pretty at all, and I dont like her personality

This season has been abit of a let down, I'm just glad this is the last episode, move on finally lol I'm still pulling for Melrose, if not her, Caridee would be alright, but definently not Eugena

I could be a lone soldier here - but I really do like Melrose. She's mainy. Gotta represent Bay Area peeps.

& Caridee is cool too. Very awesome personality.

Tara and the panel are getting too retarded for me lately. She's too overtop now. And everytime she mentions, "the real world" I cringe. I don't know - I wish Heidi Klum hosted this show instead. Haha.

And Ms. Jay with Tara need a new wardrobe/hair artist because... uck, weird.

Anyways, people I've always wanted to win come in 2nd place. So who knows. Janice needs to come back on - Twiggy is a bore.


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