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Rene just seems so fake to me.

I'd have to agree that Britany's hair is horrendous. It looks like something just died on top of her head. I don't understand why no one on the show wants to do anything about it. With all that money they spend on those girl's hair you'd think her's would look better. It looks like Barbie hair. It's sad because she really is a good model in spite of that hair.

ugh yeah but they never kick off the girls who start sh*t. it makes things less interesting, you watch how long renee starys onn what a b*itch. lol

I agree! they should have gotten rid of Renee!

my picks are Jaslene and Jael (though she is annoying at times...)

I agree. no one is really outstanding this season. maybe Brittany, but GOD almight, get rid of those extensions.

I really think someone should've stepped up and called Sarah on her crap with winning the challenge. But, you know how they always say, "Don't whine" anyway! I'm sad Diane is gone... I just don't think she knew how to get herself across right, so to speak.

it was so annoying when she was all like well i picked this shirt because the blue compliments my skin tone and eye color and yada yada. yea right. cant believe she had the nerve to say it in front of the girls who knew they picked it out for her. i was mad they won anyway, because it was renees group. i laughed becuase it was so obvious renee thought she won the individual challenge becuase she was all smiles when they said the winner is..

what is with all the bizzare photo shoots? I'm all for being creative but good lord they are taking it to another level this season. And I agree that was really rotten of Sarah. She's annoyed me since the first episode.

Yeah, i think the "dead Models" photoshoot was ODD!

i didnt like it at all, i mean what is the purpose of making them look dead? o_O

I think it's all to get good ratings. I mean c'mon, what real supermodel actually has to do these kind of wacky photoshoots week to week?!?

Nooo, I thought my bf was lying lol I liked Diana, what a bummer. I'm glad it comes on tonight though, get to finally watch it =D


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