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Sources close to K-Fed's legal camp told E! News Friday that the divorced dad's attorney, Mark Vincent Kaplan, plans to ask the court to keep Spears cut off from her kids until April in light of her disturbing three-hour-plus confrontation with police and paramedics at her home last week.

Another custody hearing is scheduled for Monday to address Spears' recent behavior, which resulted in the "Toxic" singer being stripped of her already monitored visitation privileges last Friday. Federline was awarded sole legal and physical custody.

Maybe it is time to be more understanding to a woman that might have mental


Originally Posted by KellyB /img/forum/go_quote.gif It's obvious that she has a problem. Whether it is drug related or a psychiatric condition or both remains to be seen. We will probably never hear the whole story and really why should we. Is there nothing sacred anymore??? I hope she gets all the help she needs as she does have 2 small children that need their mother. Hi,
I agree Kelly.

Try not to read it then?

Originally Posted by sweetnsexy6953 /img/forum/go_quote.gif Personally Im gettin really annoyed with hearing about Britney. Its rather old if you ask me.
She's not getting help because she's an adult and no one can force her to get treatment. Especially if she has a mental disorder, she's likely not to want to get well yet. I've heard it's Bipolar Disorder -- if she's manic she feels on top of the world and probably doesn't think there's anything wrong with it. Until she really has a problem with her own behavior, she won't change.

Britney Spears denied access to sons again after more chaos

11 hours ago

LOS ANGELES (AFP) — Britney Spears remained barred from access to her children Monday after the pop star arrived hours late for a crucial court hearing before fleeing a frenzied pack of paparazzi photographers.

The 26-year-old had been urged by lawyers to attend a hearing at Los Angeles County Court as they attempted to argue for a restoration of visitation rights that had been stripped from the singer earlier this month.

But another chaotic chapter in the tabloid target's life saw Spears fail to show up at court as the hearing got underway at around 9.30 am (1730 GMT).

Spears finally arrived at around 1:00 pm (2100 GMT) but left the court less than one hour later, apparently without making it inside the court room.

Later Monday, the judge presiding over the custody battle between Spears and ex-husband Kevin Federline said that an earlier order which suspended the pop princess's visitation rights to her two baby sons would remain in place until a further hearing on February 19.

Spears' departure from the court saw a crush of media swarming all around the harassed singer who shouted at photographers to keep their distance.

"Move back. I'm scared. Stop it. Stop it. I want to get back in the car. Just stop it. Let me get in the car, please," Spears told photographers.

The singer's subsequent journey was then covered live on television by local and national news networks, which showed Spears' black Cadillac Escalade being followed by a convoy of photographers.

Spears paid a mysterious visit to a church -- with photographers storming into the place of worship behind her -- before heading for lunch at a shopping mall and returning to her Beverly Hills home.

Spears' visitation rights were suspended after she was was at the center of a hospital drama on January 3. She was stretchered from home by paramedics after refusing to hand over her sons to Federline under a custody agreement.

Spears was taken to the Cedars Sinai Medical Center for mental evaluation before she discharged herself two days later.

The exact reasons for Spears admission to hospital have not been revealed although speculation has raged that the singer is suffering from a long-standing psychological illness.

Multiple sources have told People magazine that Spears has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Psychologist Mark Goulston told the magazine Spears was showing "classic bipolar behavior" including "poor judgment and impulsivity."

Spears, one of the most successful pop stars of her generation, has been locked in the custody feud with Federline since the couple separated in 2006.

A judge limited the pop star's access to her children in October after she failed to submit to random drug testing as demanded at an earlier hearing where the court ruled Spears was a "habitual and continuous drug user."

The court-room drama rumbled throughout a difficult year for Spears that saw her in the news for all the wrong reasons.

She was repeatedly photographed in nightspots wearing no underwear and was also captured bizarrely shaving her head in a hair salon and attacking a photographer's car with an umbrella.

Spears's family was back in the headlines again last month when it emerged that the singer's 16-year-old sister, the star of a popular US television children's show, was pregnant.

I swear, I actually feel sorry for her. I really do believe she's mentally ill and the friggin' paparazzi is forever breathing down her neck. I know she asks for it, but still. I feel so sorry for her's very sad.

There is talks of suicide, that she cannot live without her kids

i did have a feeling ..

I hope Im wrong

I feel sorry for her too, she's obviously not well. And those poor little boys, they wouldn't understand what's going on, poor babies.

I don't think it is fair to say that her children don't matter to her if she failed to go to court. If you have mental issues, you can't bring yourself sometimes to do the most logical of things. It is almost like you don't have any control over yourself or your emotions. It is very hard if you are not getting the proper treatment. I do believe she loves her children, but I also believe for now, it is best for her to get the help that she needs in order to have a healthier relationship with them. Her not showing up to court or being late or anything she does is not related at all to her not being a good mother or not caring about her kids. I honestly believe she cannot help it, and when she gets the help she needs, we'll see a drastic improvement in her behavior.

For now, the paparazzi, everyone -- just needs to leave her be. Criticizing her every move, and talking about how she is a bad mom only makes things worse. We do not know what is going on in her head, but I think it is clear that whatever it is, is obviously a very skewed perception of life, herself, everything.

Supposedly yesterday at some point she went into a Betsey Johnson store, basically stripped naked, and was all "Duh!" like... When they tried to cover her up, she flipped out. Went into the dressing room w/ her new Pap boy toy, spent 45 mins. in there before coming out and talking in a British accent and leaving... That's what I heard on the radio this AM... WACKY WEIRD!



In the 1st pic, there seems to be an engagement ring and on the second pic...well she seems to be buying a pregnancy test. Diff magazines have said that sources close her say that since she cannot have her 2 babies, she will then just have another one. I wish someone close to her would get her some help. She has too many "yes" people around her that let her do whatever she wants. Not only that, but whenever she pushes them away, no one is strong enough to stay and be persistent.

Rant!: It is obvious that Britney has some kind of mental condition. I mean, look at the way she is acting. She probably either has a bipolar disorder or a severe depression. BUT it is obvious she is sick. What makes me mad are the media who are making comments about how she is stupid, crazy, idiotic....and so on. Dont get me wrong, not everyone is doing this, but those who are dont understand they are misseducating people who dont know about these kinds of disorders! I have a neighbor who acts this way, super happy one minute, a total mess the next. She has tried to commit suicide already. We have tried to get her some help, but she refuses. (sound familier) Whats worst of alll is that her husband said she is acting just like Britney and that she is just crazy and that she does not have a problem.

I definitely believe Britney needs some serious help. Definitely a mental issue there... As for engaged... I know I've seen pics of her still wearing her ring from K-Fed... Pregnancy test... Oh hell!

Yeah, putting Britney down and being a complete jerkoff is not constructive or necessary at all. I feel like people who do that do not have any kind of understanding of what having a mental disorder really does to a person. I would hope that she is neither engaged or pregnant, and she gets the help she needs.

This also leads me to wonder what broke up her marriage with Kevin -- was it what the media portrayed or was it something deeper? My gut feeling honestly says it was something deeper.

I feel so sorry for Britney, and it would be awesome for her if she could find one day, let alone one moment of normality.

I wish the media would just leave her alone and let her get help. Those pics could be old, or like a previous poster said maybe she still wears the Kfed ring (she probably bought it anyway). The pregnancy test could be a pic of when she needed to buy one for herself or a friend, maybe even her sister.

I hope she's not pregnant. She's really not fit to be a mother right now and I'd feel awful for the child.


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