Who all doesn't line their waterline?

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LOL i actually made a thread a few months ago asking for advice on how to do it because i had tried a few times and i thought it felt like a painful tickle (yep i used those words)... now i do it every single day and feel completely naked without it!

I usually don't, with a white pencil or otherwise. It disappears pretty fast and I heard it can cause infection as well.

I always do!! I think i look better and love to use black as it brings out the honey brown in my eyes

If I do its with a Paula Dorf pale beigy pink called Baby Eyes. It really brightens. I can't remember the last time I used another colour there.

I'm the opposite from a lot of people. I ALWAYS line my waterline, HAVE TO, but I NEVER EVER line my top lashline. LOL

I always do, but never with anything dark- just ivory, off-white, silver, or best for bringing my eyes out pale lavender. I have to wear glasses, and boy does this make my eyes come through. I have to use a really good, no-drag but no-smudge either pencil to make it work, though. If I try & get all "sultry" with darker colors here, I look like a raccoon even through the glasses, though.
I never had the courage to- until one day I decide to give it a shot- I thought it looked so great I rarely ever go outside without doing it!

Actually, I really like the Jordanna automatic liners at Walgreens for $1.50. This stuff lasts without fading, I believe I discovered it in Allures editor's picks.

I like to tightline and waterline the lash bash on the top lids. The only time I waterline the bottom is if I'm in a hurry then it really makes up for not having a fully finished face.

I never do it even though I like how it looks. I don't know what products are best to use for my eyes. I wear contacts and some products can irritate, but mostly I have a problem with keeping a lasting effect. It tends to disappear quick!

It depends on the look. Sometimes i do, othertimes i don't.

Generally speaking, ill always line in black for the evening when my eye make-up is more dramatic. During the day, it just depends on my mood.

I like both ways for different occasions.

I like to line with black kohl but not sure if I should? Does it really make eyes look smaller? Should I not do it for that reason? Never mind I like how it looks. Not sure of the point of lining with white given that it disappears in a millisec, but blue kohl gives a real 80s look!

I never do it. First of all cause I don't like the feel of it, secondly it makes your eyes appear smaller, and thirdly it's not good for your eyes!

Of late, I'm using a beautiful shiny green eyeliner. Using the green on my waterlines looks subdued and natural, but it really does make me look and feel a little more made-up. Another trick I've learned to keep my eyes from looking too small is to only line the outer third or even half of the bottom waterlines, and have the line taper toward the middle so that it doesn't stop so abruptly.

Not sure if you ladies have tried that trick, but it works wonderfully, since I don't like the way my eyes look so tiny when I line them completely.

At the very least, I've found the using the pencil on my waterlines also puts a perfectly THIN line of color IN my lashline, which is nearly impossible for me to do when I'm actually trying =D

EDIT: ROFL The picture in my avatar is VERY old!! It was taken before I even realized that bright, white shadow wasn't always good on my fair skintone or that drawing wings with the liner would make my eyes look so much bigger, brighter, and downright better =)
