Akon molests a 14 year old girl on stage

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Ok, here's my two cents:

1) No girl her age should ever dress like that or even dance like that. She knew what she was doing! She's not innocent!

2) 14, 24, 34, etc. doesn't matter. He shouldn't treat any woman that way!

both parties were at fault. i would have been discusted to see that on stage but any 14 yr old wearing that wants attention and she got it. she was loving it and im sure her myspace page has the video and all those pictures posted!! so ya i think they both were in the wrong . . .

That's what I was thinking. If she didn't wanna be demeaned and taken advantage of, she shouldn't have so willingly participated. Who are her parents anyway? They need a good smack in the head for not keeping an eye on her!

i dont support him because his music sucks and his voice is awful. hes a strange man. lol

Many many 14 year olds do stupid things that are bad for them. That is why they are called children, not adults. Theres not alot of 14 year olds who have the maturity level to make those decisions. In my opinion.....parents fault.

i disagree, you cant always blame the parents when a teenager f*cks up

peer pressure maybe, everytime something goes wrong its poor kids her/his parents suck.. some kids are very manipulative, sneaky, lieing out of control brats that are self centered and think its all about "me me me"

in cases like that i feel sorry for the parents there the ones getting abused

I'm just shocked he has three wives, ugh! And when I saw the pic from the posted link, first thing I thought was, "Whoa! She's fourteen?!" Crazy.

Akons fans know the content of his music and most likely are familiar with his onstage antics. Anyone at that show went knowing what they were in for.

The young lady is at fault for placing herself "voluntarily" in a very adult situation, in very adult attire. Akon had no way of knowing her age. That does not excuse his obvious lack of class and lack of talent.

Off Topic Rant:

This is a touchy subject for me because I was always criticized for dressing slutty or provacative when I was younger...well actaully still to this day. When in fact, I was wearing the same clothes as my peers but I had a more womanly figure. I still get stares when I wear tank tops, like everyone else in the world, but I am busty. I've had people tell me I was "asking" for the wrong kind of attention. Hmm...I guess my hips and my breasts are begging to be raped. Soooo...my point is all Women are at risk for rape. In this case her clothing was FAR from appropriate, but clothing should never be a scapegoat for sexual assualt of any type.

Im going to have to disagree on this one. Even though she may have participated, having knowledge of what really goes down may have been lacking on her part. Ive seen people go to real concerts just because they like one or two songs from a band without knowing anything about them (which pisses me off). But hey, its a conformist society in general and the monkey will do what the monkey sees. Even if the example was from musicians who are from a total different area all around, they do do theatrics and such. Not just play music all the time.

I'd say a 14-yr old needs a parent who is going to parent her so this type of thing "can't" happen.

I don't like the whole "she deserves b/c of how she is dressed" mode of thinking - rather dangerous line of thought.

Have you actually seen the video of this? You can find it on YouTube. Once you see it you'll realize that she wasn't exactly not going along with it. She was all into it, too, so you can't totally fault Akon. Granted she's a minor (supposedly) but she wasn't fighting him off.

She's wrong for wearing that outfit and those "f"-me red pumps, though. :/

yeah, the link i gave had the video in it, and when everyone said what they thought i think most of them if not all had seen the video. im guessing you didn't see the link?

I'm not buying this, the 14yr old "young lady" does not appear to be the least bit green. She's conforming because she knows what to do and likes it! Have you ever seen a Freak Contest? Amatuers don't win, they are raunchy. Believe me it's not Dancing With the Stars. This form of dance is well know in the Afro community worldwide. It has many slang names. Please read the entire link. It describes the dance(Canadian, American,West Indian), including the touching of genitals. It has caused many problems at school dances. HTHs:

Grinding (dance) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Thanks everyone for participating in this healthy debate! This is a very touchy subject. As many people as possible should be made aware of this form of dance. Many will be shocked. I'm 40+ years of age and can remember being told not to do this type of dance when I was a child.
