Circular Swap Round 4: Intro2 forums

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Hey y'all, I wanted to apologize to everyone in advance as I might not be able to send out the box ( once it gets to me) until Saturday. I'm guessing it might be delivered tomorrow or Tuesday at the latest but We have a very very ill/transitioning relative on my significant other's side of the family. We are now fixing to drive 10 hours to hopefully get there on time. Although it is not someone I have spent much time with, my significant other is crushed :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> . I am putting my mail on hold to be delivered Friday since my mail box is small and all my subscription boxes are set to deliver between Monday and Tuesday. I am sorry for the inconvenience y'all. I will update as soon as it gets to me.Is there someone I need to email about this?

 You can IM tgooberbutt. I am so sorry to hear about your husband's relative. My prayers are with your family.

Tend to your loved ones before worrying about shipping me that box! That box will be just as awesome next week as it would've been this week! Sending prayers and good juju your way!

Thank you for letting us know, and yes this is a time to concentrate on family. Just keep us posted on how things go. Good Luck with everything, I hope it works out well.

 For the 2nd go-round I will be adding a July Ipsy bag w/all the products that came with it. I had total bag dupes so I'm throwing one in. To save space I'm gonna stuff the actual bag and ya'll can enjoy the hunt 'n'dig. I also have 3 lifestyle items to go in 2nd round. Happy Boxapaloosa!

You know, I've had to cancel some things thanks to furlough. This. This box just might help me preserve my sanity!! 😀

@kristine did you happen to have the unscented coola or the Demeter? I have a Benetint I am going to throw in as we'll!

@gypsie - I should get my ipsy bag this week. If it has the unscented coola in it, I'll toss it in the box for you! @beautynewbie - Hope everything is going as well as can be with your SO's family! Hope everyone's having a great week! Happy Hump Day!

@gypsie, Yes I have unscented Coola, it will go in the second round:) I didn't get Demeter though.

Originally Posted by Kristine Walker /img/forum/go_quote.gif

@gypsie, Yes I have unscented Coola, it will go in the second round:) I didn't get Demeter though.
Originally Posted by tnorth1852 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
@gypsie - I should get my ipsy bag this week. If it has the unscented coola in it, I'll toss it in the box for you! @beautynewbie - Hope everything is going as well as can be with your SO's family! Hope everyone's having a great week! Happy Hump Day!
woo! you both rock!

I want to try as much of their stuff as possible, I am thinking about placing an order, but it's so expensive I want to be sure I pick the right stuff :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Hey y'all thanks for the good thoughts. We made it on time but the outcome was still the best for him although not what the family would have wanted.However, Everyone is coping well, my DH included. I saw the box says delivered which means it was held at the PO. We are heading back home tomorrow and I feel selfish and horrible that I can't wait to see the box plus my monthly goodies ;/

 It is not at all selfish or horrible, everyone needs a pick-me-up during stressful times. Stay safe on your way home..

Hey Gypsie - I got the rose essence coola in my bag -- do you want that one, too? or just the unscented? Anybody else want it? If so, I'll toss it in. Newbie - safe travels! and like Kristine said -- not selfish at all.

Hey y'all! We have finally made it home and was so happy to have the box waiting for me. Here's some pics of what was in the box
And here's what went in and out
Hoping y'all enjoy what I put in. I'm planning on mailing the box out tomorrow morning! Sorry y'all for the delay :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Hello ladies :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> I'm a super newbie here at MUT & subs in general but I'm already amassing quite a pile ( actually 2 DRAWERS full ) of things I won't use. This sounds SO FUN! I would love to join a group but am clueless as to how I can get in on this good thing! I decided to ask here because a) Im in Cali and B) you all seem so nice! I hope I haven't broken any rules!!! Also, due to my Sephora/Ulta addiction I have so many samples from them too. My local Ulta always runs out of the free gift w/purchase fast so they load me up with deluxe samples! But I digress :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> if anyone can steer me in the right direction I'd really appreciate it! Thank you!!


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