Most embarrassing period stories forums

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I remember I was 13 and in the 8th grade. I just got my period for the first time a couple months before this. Well, I was at school doing my thing all morning until 2nd period. It felt really gross down there and I reached back to feel if my jeans were wet and they were. I tied my sweater around my waist and asked if I could use the restroom. As soon as I got to the bathroom stall I pulled down my pants to see that I completely bled through my pad (this was before my brother's gf explained to me how to use a tampon). My jeans were soaked with blood! So I stuffed a crap load of toilet down there. In 3rd period, my sweater slipped down from my waste and my friend saw. She was wasn't rude about it though. She just said "you know you're stained right?" So I texted my grandma to come pick me up and I lied and said it was because I didn't feel good. I was too embarrassed to tell her. This happened the next month too! I finally told my mom I wanted the pill so I didn't have such a heavy period and she got me on birth control specifically for heavy periods. The end!

Okay, so mine happened today and I'm super embarrassed...this is probably the worst day ever for me! So I started out this morning. I already knew I was on my period but I'm new to it and I was wearing a pad and I went to school wearing a light pink dress with a cardigan. So since I'm new I'm only wearing the one pad and I don't have any others with me. So I guess it filled up and the back of my dress had red blobs all over it. Some girl in my class that I didn't really know came up to me and said "There's stuff on the back of your dress". So I was so thankful she told me and I put my cardigan around my dress in the back so nobody cold see. We then sat down and my face was getting really pale and I had this cramp that was hurting so much and I felt like I was going to throw up! So I raised my hand and asked if I could use the washroom and the teacher said I could go and them she asked me if I was okay because I was super pale. I told her I was fine but then she sent this girl who I again didn't know very well to the bathroom with me to make sure I was okay. I didn't really have to go to the washroom I just wanted to wash the stains out and put toilet paper in my underwear but of course I couldn't do that. So I began to feel better and then lunch came around...I was sitting down at the table wi all of my friends and I was to shy to tell them. I noticed that blood had leaked onto my cardigan and I immediately asked the lunch lady to use he washroom. She agreed and told me to wash my cardigan because there was stuff on the back and a bunch of kids over heard and it was I went to the bathroom and there were a bunch of older girls just chilling by the sinks so I went in the washroom and used toilet paper but I couldn't wash my cardigan ughh! So I went back to the lunchroom and sat down with my friends. We then went outside and the lunch lady told me again right infront of my new friend "look at the back of her sweater, there are stains all over go with her and wash it out" so my friend looked at my cardigan and started laughing. She asked questions like "what is that, what happened" etc. so I told her that in the morning I had sat on jam and I stained my sweater and surprisingly she believed me... So we went to the washroom and washed my cardigan and she kept asking questions like why don't you take it off and I just told her it was comfortable and she believed me?? So thankfully it was raining that day and I just told people I was sitting on the grass. So I changed in a private stall into shorts and a t shirt and I just kept that on for the rest of the day and nothi happened.n

Lol I don't finish my story and I accidently clicked reply :/ so then I had dance (this is the most embarrassing part) and we were doing warm up and I was still wearing the shorts and t shirt and my pad was still filled and when we were finished doing warm up on the ground there was blood stains all over the teacher took me aside into the girls change room and of course the girl that I hate from my school is sitting on the ground esedropping and my teacher was like are you on your period, has this happened before, and do you have what you need? I said it had happened before and I didn't have anything and she left to go get a pad and then the girl comes up to me and says what happened? And I told her that I'd explain then the teacher came. Back and said you can come back when you are ready. I changed into the pad and went back to class. The whole class was standing around the blob while the teacher was cleaning it and everybody was staring at me and laughing. She finished cleaning and it was un noticeable but nobody talked to me for the rest of the class and I was super embarrassed!!!!!

I was 12 and I'm thirteen now,I was in science and I had cramps in my lower stomach and then after a while it sort of gushed out but luckily it didn't leak because it was my first time and not so heavy and then at the end pf the day i went to the bathroom and checked and there was a brownish stain so i went home and didn't tell my mum just my friend who already started but then i told my mum because i ran out of pads. mines not regular at the moment but I keep getting cramps and stuff so I will probably come on again soon

Ok if you have troubles putting your tampon in... All you need to do is look for a little hole or indentation and stick it in a little bit (if your have an applicator) and thenn push the thing in. If your afraid of tampons... No one can help that... no one. :confused:

I Got mine in summer when I was 11. I told my friend and she told (With my permision) my older sister, and my mom. I told her because I didn't have the guts to tell them. I was swimming in the ocean before and went to change my pants when I noticed.

OMG! Second last day of grade 6 (This was a couple weeks ago, I'm only twelve), I got a unexpected visitor.

Usually, I'm okay on the schedule, end of month, beginning of month, but that day was random.

So I have a boyfriend. Kinda. We haven't kissed, on the lips, but he does have a thing for kissing my head and giving me tingles... *Gazes off*

Anyways, I live on Vancouver Island. And my class went to Vancouver, So we had to take a ferry, an hour and a half long ferry!

I went to the bathroom and found a little red spot on my underwear. I had a quarter in my pocket so I went and bought one because I didn't carry a purse yet.

They were the crappy, cheapies. I left the bathroom, not worrying because I'm almost always light.

Later I came back and got a tampon. Also a cheapie. ,

That's not the bad part.

So we went to a movie while we were there, and I sat next to one of my best guy friends and my boyfriend. I fell asleep in my boys arms. When I woke up I went to go and change my tampon.


My tampon filled up and slid out while I slept.

I was on heavy mode I guess because in the 45 minutes the movie went on, it soaked through my underwear AND my light blue shorts.

It didn't go on my legs or anything, but I didn't even noticed till I got to the bathroom.

I flipped. 

I didn't have my jacket. I didn't have a change of pants. And none of my friends had the same size pants even if they did, they didn't have any either.

I was wearing a hat. I took it off and kinda hid it in front. I passed my Boys best friends mom. She kept giving me dirty looks because I was holding Joes (My Boy <3 ) hand. So I passed her and I freaking out because she is glaring at me. She walked beside me and went into the bathroom. I kept walking the whole time, ducking my head.

Then I saw two of my friends. Joe and his bestie (The son of the glaring mom) asked me if I wanted to look for their friend Dave. I smiled and acted normal. I hurried to the coat rack and grabbed my jac

ket. When I grabbed it, I saw the mom of the guy I fell asleep next to. She smiled to me and looked around the corner. Her son was coming around the corner and she went and distracted him. I don't know if she saw, or if that is just a mom ability. (Love her)

I tied it around my waist and hurried to find my female friends.

I told them and my friend (Who had her period) said "Oh, Haley..." And she felt so bad because she knew how it to have a bloody pad. She could only imagine bloody pants!

My other friend laughed. Can't wait til she gets hers....

Anyways, I got a chocolate bar (Dark, helps with cramps) and Vitamin water on the ferry. (Great tip!!! Vitamin Water! Best thing ever! Helps with cramps and sickness and dizziness and headache and sore musacles!! AMAZING! ) 

The worst thing, I had to wear the pants the whole time! For about 8 hours or more. IN PUBLIC! Ahhhhh!!!!!!!!!! It was horrible and embarresing. And it takes alot to embarrass me!

OMG! Maybe he noticed (Joe), it would explain how he was really sweet and kept kissing me. Omg... I'm so embarrassed and giddy at the same time... (Giddy because he likes me and he is so sweet and amazing and loving...)

It was terrible.

Maybe I'lllaugh in a couple of years, but it was like a month and a half ago. And I think my boy saw it! At least he isn't the 'gossip' type. I am, unless it's something like that, then I don't. The only time Joe gossips, is to me. He tells me everything <3 <3 <3 <3

BTDubs... (Love that saying) The pics shows how to use it. My hand is the vagina. That sounds weird. Hope it helps!

(I have the Tampax Radiant plastic Regulars. They have rounded aplicaters so it won't poke you. I had popped the tampon out of it so it doesn't show, but the applicater will pull out when you push the little plastic thing in.)

It was right before gym class when my period started leaking, so I wrapped my undies in toilet paper. Apparently, I didn't do it right because one of my friends pointed out that my whole entire butt was red with blood. And there was a little bit on the floor too. It was so gross! So me and my friends ran to the lockers and I had to explain to my teacher that I was on my period. And when I changed into extra clothes, I actually LEFT MY PERIOD STAINED CLOTHES ON THE BENCH!!!!! Thankfully (or maybe not) my P.E. teacher picked them up and put them in a plastic bag for me to take home. MOST EMBARRASSING MOMENT EVER!

i am 11 and i got my 1 period today does anyone have any tips on pads/tampons and keeping it a secret
Well, you can use a sweater or any other piece of clothing over your period if you leak. You can also get a period kit. For the kit, you have to include pads, tampons, extra clothes (preferably dark), and maybe wipes to clean up. I like using tampons, but sometimes they can be uncomfortable. But, a lot of times I don't even know that they are there. They last up to eight hours, but I suggest changing them before then. Pads last 2-4 hours and may leak.
That is a very sad story.

I feel really sorry about you.

So ive had my period for like a year now and me and my family were staying at a resort I didnt know I had my period till the morning of the day we were supposed to go to the pool it was fine all day until I was sitting in the pool and thus lady walked up to me and said "honey yiur bleeding everywhere" scratch that she was not nice about.i ran to the bathroom while blood was dripping down my body and then I threw a towel around myself and went back to my lawn chair and grabbed a pad b/c I was not comfortable with tampons yet and then I hid in the hotel arcade for the rest of the day # embarrasing

i got my first period when i was 10 i was out with my social worker and we were sitting in a cafe and i went to the toliet and i saw blood on my pants i freaked out i didnt know what to do because i didnt understand it that much i was in there for 15 mins when i came out she was wondering why i took so long i burst into tears so she took me to the toilet and asked me what was wrong i couldnt tell her so she wisppered on my ear is it periods i nodded she gave me the big talk and gave me a pad but the embarrassing thing about that was at the next meeting i had there was alot of people there and she had wrote it in the reports what had happened when we were out and ahe brung it up so every one knew i was so embarrassed i ran out the room as fast as i could i still have the same social worker im 13 now but i hate when she takes me out and talks about that day

Mine was so embarassing I cried the whole day and became paranoid for so long.

I was at school in the 7th grade and my period started - I didn't have my tampons and I had white jeans. In addition to my big red circle on my pants, my teacher thought 'Oh I see you've got your period and you got no tampon, how about you come to the blackboard?'. It was really awkward to see my classmates giggle. I borrowed a tampon from a girl and got a taxi straight home that day. I was so embarassed.

It may be hard now, but tell your social worker haw you feel when she brings it up. She may not realise that she is embarrassing you. Good luck.

Haha,omg. I read mostly 1/2 of the post here. Well,here's my most embarrassing moment of my period.

It was last year. My last exam of the year. I got so worried about my period and I coughed A LOT in class. Since my examiner is a female, I was so afraid to ask her if I could go to the toilet even though she's a female. I kept hesitating to raise my hand or not since there are boys in the class too. So I waited the exam to finish which was half an hour later. When my examiner said the class could go to the toilet,I didn't really quickly stand up. I waited for everyone to leave the class so I would not embarrassed. But thing didn't work out well. I stood up when everyone left the class, look on my chair and skirt. I saw my skirt stained with brown and red stains on my blue skirt and the chair with yellow and brown stains. I quickly took out my pad and ran towards the girl's toilet. But as I got out, I saw my boyfriend waiting for my outside. I got so impatient that I said 'LATER!!!" at him and rushed to the toilet. 

So here comes my worst part. My skirt was stained with 5 blood stains on it,my pants inside my skirt is also stained. But at least my pants were black. So they couldn't really see it. But this also come out very very embarrassing. I COULD smell my period blood,and it almost smells like iron blood. I quickly change my pads in a cubical but as I change, my blood was OVERFLOWED. I got so paranoid and got embarrassed more. I changed it and throw my old pads into the dustbin. My skirt and pants was still wet by the blood.

As I walked out of the girls' toilet, I nearly cry even though I'm 16 because I felt so embarrassed. Suddenly, My boyfriend was waiting for me outside carrying a red plastic bag. I was wondering what the hell was he carrying and as I walked out, My boyfriend past me the red plastic bag. I looked inside. It was tampons and pads. I was so overjoyed and hugged him with a word of 'Thanks'. 

Probably this was my embarrassing moment during my 17 years of life now. o/

Me, my mom, and my sisters were driving around to places and we had to stop by my dads house to get my sisters narcolepsy medicine. My mom was talking to my dad on the phone to tell him and he asked of I can watch my step brother and sister while my stepmom takes him to the hospital. I did but it was late and we had school tomorrow so she told my dad we might have to spend the night while I was in the house and she had just went to the store to Buy pads ... and me , my sisters and stepmom were in the living waiting for my dad to come back and when he did..... Guess what... He had a plastic bag with pads in it and handed it to me in front of them!!!! Non of them new I had my cycle not even my dad! I didn't really want to spend the night there so I acted sad cause of that when I was really sad cause everyone found out. And my dad and stepmom still saw me as their little girl! And when they left to go to the hospital I cried for like five minutes and just laid on the stairs. But at least my big brothers weren't there. I was kinda mad at my mom though. But yeah I thought putting this story up here would help me get over it.

Well I was at school, 8th grade and all my friends had got their period except for me. So one day I was cleaning up my locker when I felt my stomach cramping like hell. My boyfriend came up to me and told me there was a red blob on my beige pants. I was like, SHIT. Talk about embarrassing. :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Well I was at school, 8th grade and all my friends had got their period except for me. So one day I was cleaning up my locker when I felt my stomach cramping like hell. My boyfriend came up to me and told me there was a red blob on my beige pants. I was like, SHIT. Talk about embarrassing. :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Ok so I gt mine in the 7 th grade just after I finished p.e. I went in the toilets nd was like OMG Bt I wasn't freaking out coz I knew wat to do. After p.e. I had to go to the nurse nd ask for a pad. After I went to the toilets nd was like OMG WAT SIDE DO U USE. Meaning the sticky or soft side. (Lol dnt judge I was 11 ) nd I ended up using the sticky side up nd soft side down. I was uncomfortable the WHOLE DAY. So stupid

Oh gosh. 
I start mine when I was 12, and the first time I got it it was fine. It disappeared and didn't come back for 3 months, RIGHT WHEN I MOVED TO A NEW SCHOOL. First day in my new gym class, we're playing volleyball.

I went to hit the ball and got such an intense cramp that the ball hit my face and I fell backwards. When I stood up, there was a puddle of blood on the ground where I had landed. The teacher(HUGE witch) pointed it out, shrieking. 

Since it was an all girls class, it wasn't as bad. But by the time I got to the locker room, the blood had soaked through my sweatpants as if someone had stabbed my hoo-ha. 

The second story I have is from just this past year, shortly after I turned 16. I was in English class, and I had started my period that morning. I had no pads, only tampons. So I wore one. Apparently, my body doesn't like tampons. Right as the lesson was ending, I stood up. I felt a sharp pain and the tampon actually fell out into my underwear. I got to the bathroom(my English teacher is an overly concerned man who'll ask if someone's okay if they sneeze- you can imagine how that played out when I keeled over a bit), and I disposed of the tampon only to hear a bit of 'sploosh'. I looked down, and there's this huge clot and I'm just pouring blood into the toilet. I hear the bell(it was going into lunch time) and I'm waiting for any girl to come in. Finally, someone comes in and I yell "I bet I don't know you but I need lady help!". Turns out I did know them. It was my Socials teacher, who went through menopause years ago. She kind of laughed a bit, then told me she'd go get me stuff from the office. As you can imagine, my Socials lesson was a little awkward that afternoon. 

And to top it all off, that day marked the start of my period lasting 190 days straight. Needless to say, I got extremely anemic and my body kept clotting up with pieces of my uterus(yuck, I know) so it was such Hell. I couldn't even wear tampons because of the above story. My body clots, it gets painful so I can only wear pads :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

It's great seeing that other girls have shared my pain, ladies!


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