Dark Matter Makeup

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Thank you for all this info! I'm really new to loose eye shadows in general, so I'm sure I'm gonna have a lot of practicing to do. I have the NYX pencil in Milk I can use as a base. What exactly is a foiling medium? I feel like I've re-stumbled into the makeup world by branching into Indies because I never had to worry about foiling before, haha. 
 Found it!!

This is from the AMAZING @@marigoldsue

"You should always use a primer under shadows, indie or commercial.  Generally whatever primer you get the best results with will be fine with indie shadows too.  Some indie companies do make their own primer, but I love my NARS so much that I have never bothered to sample them.

There are two additional mediums that help with indie shadows.  The first is a type of a glitter glue.  This just helps the glitter from indies stick a little better.  Elf makes an inexpensive glitter glue, which will be the easiest to get (but is also my least favorite).  Other options are Pixie Epoxy from Fyrianne, Glitter Glue from Darling Girl or Glitter Fix from Glamour Doll Eyes.  I would not recommend Pixie Epoxy for anyone just starting with indie shadows as it is the hardest to blend with.  I have a slight personal preference for Glitter FIx over Glitter Glue, but both do a good job of keeping the glitter on, and still letting you blend a little.  When you apply the glitter glue you should wait a few seconds for it to get "tacky" before you put your shadows on.

Foiling mediums are the other good thing to have in your arsenal.  These are great at helping to pick up the shift in Duo-chromes, intensifying the color or using to mix with your shadow to make an eye liner.  These you can either apply directly to your eye and immediately put the shadow on top, or you can mix a tiny drop of the medium with your shadows on a clean surface (don't use the inside lid of your shadows, you don't want to introduce bacteria into the jar when you put the id back on).  I have a strong personal preference for Foil Me by Glamour Doll Eyes, but Superstar Serum by Darling Girl is another option.

Notoriously Morbid is also coming out with a prep product, they included a sample in my last order, but I have not tried it yet and can't remember if it was a glue or foiling medium.

The bad news is right now it is a little hard to get these products.  Glamour Doll Eyes is currently out of stock on both items (waiting for containers, should restock this month).  When they restock though, shipment is usually within 24 hours of your order being placed.  Darling Girl is currently closed, but should be reopening soon.  They have a super long turn around though.  It has been 4-6 weeks before they ship my orders."

For me, I feel like the mattes wear best over UDPP's Eden, while the shimmery ones are best over a sticky primer such as Too Faced's Glitter Glue. I'll be developing a primer for my shadows in the near future

A Foiling Medium is something you use to turn the shadow into an eyeliner, or to just really intensify the color. There are a few out there. I suck at explaining this, but I'll try to find the amazing explanation Mari posted the other day
Thank you for all this info! I'm really new to loose eye shadows in general, so I'm sure I'm gonna have a lot of practicing to do. I have the NYX pencil in Milk I can use as a base. What exactly is a foiling medium? I feel like I've re-stumbled into the makeup world by branching into Indies because I never had to worry about foiling before, haha. 
Yo u can experiment a bit to see if you would like the effect of a foiling medium by applying your shadows wet.  This will give you a very similar intensity to using a foiling medium.  I just like Foil Me because it tends to make that effect last longer for me.

Yes, when I don't have a foiling medium on hand (or if I'm just playing around and don't want to use it up) I will apply the shadows with a damp brush and it works just fine, just as Mari stated, the foiling medium can last longer and sometimes be a bit more dramatic, depending on the shadow. (That said, I've had shadows I've applied with water last well beyond a normal weartime over a good primer, too). :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I got my samples today! And a day early, too. It was actually good timing as I had been debating over whether to take out the garbage or not given how ridiculously cold it was outside. I then compulsively checked my tracking (even though it was supposed to arrive tomorrow) and saw that my Dark Matter had been delivered to my mailbox. Well, that got me bundled up and out the door!  :p
Dom was awesome that included Cassiopeia as one of my extras (along with Ursa Minor), so I got to see what she was like. And boy, was I glad. So gorgeous.
Here are my swatches over Coastal Scents eye primer. I picked up that primer on whim and have to say that I've been really happy with its performance. My swatches are not great. For whatever reason I started out swiping, when I know  you should pat loose shadows. Heck, I even pat the pressed shadows when apply them on my eyes, so I don't get my temporary madness. I went back over and patted them on.
Left to Right (ignoring the little mishap on the left): Andromeda, Ariel, Betelgeuse, Cassiopeia, Galileo, Ursa Major, Ursa Minor

Close Ups under spoiler

Close up, L to R: Andromeda, Ariel Betelgeuse, Cassiopeia
Close up, L to R: Cassiopeia, Galileo, Ursa Major, Ursa Minor

They are all so gorgeous and can't wait to play with them. Despite looking similar in the pics, Ariel and Cassiopeia look quite different. Also, Betelgeuse makes me want to try my hand at that whole custom nailpolish with eyeshadow thing, because that would seriously be gorgeous. 

 I tried out a look using Ariel, Cassiopeia and Betelgeuse and have kept peeking at mirrors. I even noticed my husbands eyes very focused on my lids as he moved in for a kiss when he got home. Definitely a first on that one. 

I am totally gifting myself full sizes once I'm gainfully employed. Or maybe after my next test is done. 

My Fyrinnae Pixie Epoxy came and I swatched my shadows over it, I have pictures. 

Cassiopeia over PE *swoons*  :wub:  

Top is flash, bottom no flash 
L-R: Cassiopeia, Betelgeuse, Ursa Minor

Sorry about my gross arm lmao  wflash.JPGwoflash.JPG I didn't swatch the samples but I got two samples with my order, Ursa Major and Aerux

Well, I need Cassiopeia and Ariel both in a BAD WAY. Trying to stick to my no-buy but....we'll see how long that lasts, haha. I mean...if I cancel both of my Birchboxes, I can totally justify a couple more pretty shadows, right?!

Well, I need Cassiopeia and Ariel both in a BAD WAY. Trying to stick to my no-buy but....we'll see how long that lasts, haha. I mean...if I cancel both of my Birchboxes, I can totally justify a couple more pretty shadows, right?!
Hmmm cancelling Birchboxes is like giving yourself free money. For sure.

I can't get enough of the beautiful swatches!

Well, I need Cassiopeia and Ariel both in a BAD WAY. Trying to stick to my no-buy but....we'll see how long that lasts, haha. I mean...if I cancel both of my Birchboxes, I can totally justify a couple more pretty shadows, right?!
I have no idea how much happiness you derive from your Birchboxes, but guaranteed pretties versus a surprise that may or may not be fun. It can feel like such a gamble!

I have no idea how much happiness you derive from your Birchboxes, but guaranteed pretties versus a surprise that may or may not be fun. It can feel like such a gamble!
I like my birchbox, but a lot of that is because of the points, and the rest is that I do like trying out new skincare, haircare, etc. But I'm currently having a terrible skin time (I had a bad hormonal breakout, was out of my usual treatment (with witch hazel and tea tree) and made the stupid decision of using osmething with benzoyl peroxide I got in a sub...I have angry red, flaky patches on my face now, THANKS) and I've decided to be a lot more careful with what I put on my face (probably going back to mostly Shea Terra and trying a few toners/masks from indies/etsy). SO Birchbox won't have nearly the value for me. 

Pretty shadows, on the other hand, YES PLEASE.

@@yousoldtheworld I'm sure the winter dryness and frigid temperatures aren't exactly helping your skin either. Sounds like your skin needs the products you know and trust and your lids need some shinies.  ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

ETA: I don't want to make you break your no-buy, though. Do what you feel is most right / comfortable for you!

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@@yousoldtheworld I'm sure the winter dryness and frigid temperatures aren't exactly helping your skin either. Sounds like your skin needs the products you know and trust and your lids need some shinies.  ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

ETA: I don't want to make you break your no-buy, though. Do what you feel is most right / comfortable for you!
I mean, to be fair, cancelling 2 birchboxes will save me 20 bucks a month, so, it's perfectly okay to reward myself with some pretty shadows. I'll get sample sizes and everything. THAT"S MY STORY AND I"M STICKING TO IT.

Oh my goodness, if I weren't so poor I'd have ordered everything! It all looks so beautiful. I'm saving up...maybe I can work my way into getting some as a bday present from someone =p

Saving up!

I have to leave this thread. I keep staring at Cassiopeia and my mind is fixating on the "I need that. I NEED THAT. BUY IT." thoughts.

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Now that my wedding craziness is over and I'm (partially) recovered from also being sick - I placed an order for some samples! I put down Cassiopeia, Ursa Minor, TMTYL, Polaris, and Betelgeuse. Picking was the hardest part though!

Now that my wedding craziness is over and I'm (partially) recovered from also being sick - I placed an order for some samples! I put down Cassiopeia, Ursa Minor, TMTYL, Polaris, and Betelgeuse. Picking was the hardest part though!

Congratulations! (On the wedding... and also on managing to pick colors. But moreso for the wedding part!)

Congratulations! (On the wedding... and also on managing to pick colors. But moreso for the wedding part!)
Thanks! :lol:   I'm still having a hard time accepting that its over after spending the last year and a half planning hahaha (though part of me is relieved that its over). The day went by farrrr to fast!


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