Did you exercise today?

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Originally Posted by GraceGirl7 Look at what this guy did! He put a TV on his home cardio machine. I want to do this!! I love my tv on my machine! I dont think I could ever go back without it. I watched 2 makeover shows this morning while working out haha the hour went by so quickly! What do u do now while working out?
Originally Posted by maph Hi greeneyedangel...sorry I don't know your first name
...but I have been seeing chiro. for the past 13 years now...a long time. I love my chiro...she has been a life saver. I was seeing the same one for over 10 years but switched to a new one when he passed on. She was the one that suggested a personal trainer. Here's a pic of my trainer: she is awesome. By the way she came in first here.

Yikes! If I had a personal trainer with that much muscle I think I would run and hide. I dont have one, but I would be very afraid of what that woman would do, lol.
Originally Posted by greeneyedangel I love my tv on my machine! I dont think I could ever go back without it. I watched 2 makeover shows this morning while working out haha the hour went by so quickly! What do u do now while working out? Well, when I'm on my treadmill, I can't do much of anything. My son is aleep, so I can't have the TV up real loud (which you have to have because the treadmill is a LOUD white noise). I usually just pop in a movie and watch it on mute.
I need to get an ipod or mount a tv directly to the treadmill like that guy did. If I had speakers right next to me, I wouldn't have to turn it up so loud!! Of course, when I'm working really hard, I can't watch much of anything anyway. I concentrate too much on my breathing.
Originally Posted by maph Hi Allie...she is just gorgeous and she only looks like this when she is training for a competition. When I first met her you could see she was really fit but not overly muscular. Her legs are awesome! I told her she has to get me looking like her and she said she will.
She has been doing this all her life...since her teens I believe. So she is really dedicated to the sport. I always wanted to body build but hated exercise way too much to even put my foot in a gym. I could kick myself sometimes for not doing something like this sooner. But I guess it's better late than never.
Yeah, a lot of people think that's how they look all the time, but bodybuilers lose the last few pounds of body fat right before a competition to really lean out. It's not that, in her case, her muscles are huge, it's just that she is VERY LEAN, so you can see every muscle she has. She is also flexing every muscle she has.
A lot of women are scared to lift weights because they don't want to get big, when in actuality, a woman can't get huge unless she either takes drugs or works out for HOURS a day. Lifting weights is the best thing I've ever done!! It has really done wonders for my body (especially after having my son!!).
I worked out today
after not going for almost a week. It was hard, but I am glad I went to the gym. I went to an intermediate step class. I'd like to start taking a spinning class though the one time I tried it, well, let's just say I was worn out in about 10 minutes, lol. I had to coast the rest of the class.

I could only get through 30 minutes of my 45 minute FIRM video today because I noticed my right knee was a little irritated. I really don't want to injure anything because I don't have medical insurance. It doesn't hurt when I walk or anything, I just noticed it during squats, lunges, and box climbs. I'll probably just take it easy this week with some walking on the treadmill. I'll do a weight lifting routine in a little bit.

Yes, be careful of that knee, Gracegirl. My ex had to have knee surgery and still had to wear a brace for sports. I get little twinges sometimes on my knees too. No insurance here either, hopefully will get some for the new year.

Going to the gym for Salsa aerobic class in an hour. I have no idea what I am doing in that class, lol. It is fun though.

Originally Posted by rosebeauty34 Yes, be careful of that knee, Gracegirl. My ex had to have knee surgery and still had to wear a brace for sports. I get little twinges sometimes on my knees too. No insurance here either, hopefully will get some for the new year.
Going to the gym for Salsa aerobic class in an hour. I have no idea what I am doing in that class, lol. It is fun though.

Sounds fun!! Yeah, I'm going to be real careful. And I'm working on the insurance. I hope to get some soon.
i went to the gym today and did an hour of the elyptical machine.

the first part it said i lost about 300 something calories

the second part said i lost about 300 something also. but i did 2 different programs.

I'm trying to keep this thread going because it helps me stay accountable.

I did a 45 minute aerobics video and a 35 minute weight lifting session. I haven't felt that knee problem since I rested it a couple of days, but I'm still taking it easy just to make sure it doesn't get injured.

Ummm, nope
. I'm really pitiful!! I purchased a pilates machine several months ago. Gotta get going, sounds like a New Years resoloution.

hehe...New Years last year is when I decided to get really serious about fitness, and losing the rest of my baby weight!!

Well i sort of exercised today, i ran after my kids at the mall,lol.

I have to find a gym down here so i can get back into working out.I finally lost alot of the weight i wanted to,but i do like to eat ,so i should exercise to keep at my goal weight.Its kind of scary when you lose alot of weight. you get so much attention from fam and friends that you get scared to gain anything.

i dunno ,just how i feel anyways.

i went to the gym yesterday and did cardio for an hour and then did some upper body weight training.

today i went to the gym and did cardio for 45 mins

Today was 25 minutes on the treadmill (at the steepest incline), then some light weight work out, and finally later another workout with the hubby.

Went for a jog this morning before hubby went to work.Till i get into the gym again ,i gotta do something for my body! i was going to go for a swim too,but it was chilly earlier.

Great job nydoll23!!! I got up this morning at 6:30 and did 4 miles on the treadmill. It was really my only time to do it because my son had a morning doctor's appt. and I have to get ready for a house party tonight. Speaking of which, I better get started on my makeup.

Originally Posted by GraceGirl7 Great job nydoll23!!! I got up this morning at 6:30 and did 4 miles on the treadmill. It was really my only time to do it because my son had a morning doctor's appt. and I have to get ready for a house party tonight. Speaking of which, I better get started on my makeup.
great job to you too
Have fun at your party,moms need to have fun too!!!

I never go without pin of water in my hand
,...for this holiday season

i need go to shape my body,...exercise like yoga or sit up,....

i love detox bath slim,..sliming cream from kanebo,...

i am suply ...vit a,.c,..b2,..,.Mag and Calsium

and Collagen,...

if i am go to party i am always ready a cup of green tea,..i know this

look old fashion but i think this work for my skin,..i believe this for antioxidant

Suryani Shinta

medium skin,..

I've decided I'm going to take this week off of exercising. I may lift a few weights, but I'm resting from my usual routine. I've been working hard and deserve a break. I haven't had a real break from exercise in about 6 months. It's weird though, because when I don't exercise, I want to!
