How often do you wash your hair? forums

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I work as a Table Games Dealer and because of all the cigarette smoke in the air I wash my hair twice a day.....:hahaha:


I wash my hair with schampo twice a week.I like to use conditioner in between washes.

I wash it about three times a week at most. I usually have my hair dyed random colours (like the pink in my avatar) and the more I wash it the quicker it fades, so I prefer to only wash it as often as I need to.

i wash my hair everyday...i don't feel good if i did not wash my hair coz it becomes so oily.

I wash my hair every day (morning) with shampoo and conditioner. I can't stand my hair if I don't wash them I mean I don't feel comfortable and i thik alle the time whem I will wash my hair....:wht:

i wash my hair every morning..but sometimes i ll try to skip a day. it sucks because i ll have oily hair the next day if i dont shower.

Same here... Maybe in the summer I might wash it more, depending on if it just smells icky on the back of my head where it's become all sweaty... (Our temps average about 115 degrees in the summer) Often times even then I just soap up my roots and then rinse, thereby the ends only getting residual shampoo and it really makes a difference from keeping them from drying out. Many times also I'll just wet my hair or apply a homemade cider vinegar rinse to remove product build up and odor but still not apply shampoo. My hair is so full and thick and on the dry side that it actually looks better by the third or fourth day of shampooing after a little but of buildup rather then freshly washed.
I was my hair every other day. The first day it looks great, 2nd manageable, but It looks too greasy and flat on the 3rd day. I have heard good things about Dry Shampoo and may have to try that on my non washing days.

I have been having thin hair problems and started using OJON.

I do the deep conditioning treatment 1x a week. I put it on and leave it over night, then wash out the next day. I really like their thickening products.


I swim 3x a week, so I wash it then. My hair is very curly and gets too dry and frizzy if I wash it every day. If I straighten it, it gets oily faster.... wonder why that is???

My wash cycle varies depending on the time of year, but the average is 2-3 times a week. And my hair has not thinned in the least.
Every 3 days or so. There's no reason to do it more frequently, and the hair stuff I use is so expensive, I want to conserve it!

I wash it every second day as it gets oily and i hate that! very annoying as then i have to turn around and blow dry and straighten also....ohhhh so much work!


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